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posted 1 month ago by derjudenjager on (+0 / -0 / +28Score on mirror )
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LordGrimTheInvincibl on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 2 children
Historically, race wars almost never happen.

Over 90 percent of wars are humans killing the same flavor of human.

Even in the rare event of an interracial war, there will be infighting on both sides.

It is for that reason why I view all race nationalists/supremacists as kinda delusional.

If niggers threw all non niggers out of Africa, it would go right back to stone age tribal warfare and all trace and remembrance of Whites would be gone within a century or less.

If Whites threw all non-Europeans out of Europa, europe would become a medieval warzone again, with white kingdoms fighting for land and resources.

No common enemy means no brotherhood.
ApexVeritas on
1 month ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
You are correct, historically, but incorrect with what's to come.

The reason why most wars, historically, are usually perpetrated by one race against themselves, across national boundaries, is because people naturally self segregate. People congregate around their own kind, even across national boundaries and over large geographic regions (i.e. Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, etc.). Even in "multicultural utopias" like the modern Western world, with tons of non-whites, crime is still predominantly White on White, black on black, hispanic on hispanic, and asian on asian. Why? Because even in these "multicultural utopias", people still self segregate into their own ethnic enclaves. People predominantly commit crime, or wars, against people that are right next to them. Thus, crime and wars are committed predominantly against ones own people.

This is why when the coming inevitable collapse of Western civilization is going to result in a massive race war. This modern corrupted version of civilization foisted upon White people is only maintained by mountains of propaganda and threat of violence against us by our own corrupted governments. When the collapse hits, White people will be forced to collectivize with our own people again, just to survive at first, and once those bonds are reformed, especially in the absence of the massive propaganda outlets losing all power (literally and figuratively), White people will become uber pissed and start enacting vigilante justice, collectively and en masse, against the non-whites and everyone who brought them here and enabled this evil.

We are still primarily the farmers and food growers, so we win by default. They could kill millions of us via the remnants of the military loyal to ZOG, but it won't matter. They'll all starve to death. The collapse will rob them of all globalist infrastructure that's still propped up primarily by White people. The collapse will destroy all globalist infrastructure, stop almost all trade, collapse all economies, and probably turn off all electricity and modern creature comforts for long periods of time. If this starts with a slow burn, many non-whites will attempt to self deport, purely because the host is no longer healthy enough to leech off of, and the growing resent and violence will scare the hell out of them. Or, if the collapse happens suddenly, many will be incapable of self deportation, because gas stations and grocery stores will all be cleaned out, and people still living in the cities and dense suburbs (where almost all non-whites live), will only be able to make it as far as the gas in their car will take them (300-400 miles max).

Many won't know how bad things have gotten because the news and internet will be off. They may attempt to shelter in place, and once people's food is gone and start to starve (about 1-2 weeks) food riots and mass violence will start. This will kill many millions. Cities will be left desolate, with almost none left alive. The suburbs will experience the same, as most don't have enough land to grow food, and even then, you can't just plant seeds and begin to grow enough food immediately to feed your family, much less your neighbors. It takes many months, sometimes years, to build up land to grow enough food. It's not something you can just start on a whim and immediately begin to feed yourself. Most people, even preppers, don't own seeds or grow their own food. This will force most suburbians into the countryside, attempting to befriend any farmer they can find. Given the food riots and mass violence taking place in the cities, and with the non-whites flooding into the countryside in search for food, the farmers will probably oblige the help, trading security and labor for food. It will be around those farmers that the first solid White collectives will form, and it will grow outward from there.
MartinRigggs on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
They’d be as common as rain on a Sunday morning if multiracialism wasn’t a new phenomenon.
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