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Lizardofahs88 on
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)3 children
Jones is married to a jew. Stew Peters is goyim. Stew Peters will not name the jew himself- look at his stupid film he recently released that was shoah'd as fast as it was released- Not once was Dr. David Duke interviewed- Peters is all smoke and mirrors; he's no better than fat ass fake ass multi-millionaire Jones.
You want the truth?
You want real honest history? Read Dr.Duke. Listen to Dr. Duke on Rense radio and Republic Broadcasting Network podcasts.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
You must not have listened to stew in a long time. He outright names the jew in this interview several times. Stew has been naming the jew since early last year regularly, kinda over the top with it all, but the info is generally accurate even though he often comes off the same way Alex Jones sounds like an unhinged lunatic when he’s raging about “the globalists”. I still feel like Stew is a shill somehow even though he names the jew, but regardless, he has the ear of a lot of boomers that need to hear about the jewish problem so whatever.
I enjoy David Dukes commentary, he’s understood our situation since he was in politics. Sadly though, the reality of David Duke is that his reputation was destroyed by his involvement with the Klan, not that I care at all, but to the average Republican, they won’t ever listen to a former Klan member even if everything he says is true.
it's weird how Jones said 10+ years ago that HE IS A JEW. and now he just said that he is NOT one.
other than this interview with Stew I didn't see any other but here's the thing: he did say that the jews run america, so did Icke. and Icke added that they've been running it for a long time lol.
on top of it Stew said that you don't see jews doing any mundane work, they're always in a company or in government, carrying evil agendas.
and he said that they attack Christianity which they do.
thanks for letting me know about the film. Yet didn't Max Igan appear there? Max called out the jews in his last 40+ videos on odysee btw. with that guy from the Rense Report. Max even said that they were kicked out of 109 countries and they're the lowest form of life on this earth.
so this is truly something. he's also banned from Australia and Icke is banned for antisemitism in ~35 countries. they're on our side.
I won't comment on Stew more as I don't know that much. but he seems better than Jones who loves the kikes now. who sold out for shekels.
You want the truth?
You want real honest history? Read Dr.Duke. Listen to Dr. Duke on Rense radio and Republic Broadcasting Network podcasts.
other than this interview with Stew I didn't see any other but here's the thing: he did say that the jews run america, so did Icke. and Icke added that they've been running it for a long time lol.
on top of it Stew said that you don't see jews doing any mundane work, they're always in a company or in government, carrying evil agendas.
and he said that they attack Christianity which they do.
thanks for letting me know about the film. Yet didn't Max Igan appear there? Max called out the jews in his last 40+ videos on odysee btw. with that guy from the Rense Report. Max even said that they were kicked out of 109 countries and they're the lowest form of life on this earth.
so this is truly something. he's also banned from Australia and Icke is banned for antisemitism in ~35 countries. they're on our side.
I won't comment on Stew more as I don't know that much. but he seems better than Jones who loves the kikes now. who sold out for shekels.