1 month ago8 points(+0/-0/+8Score on mirror)1 child
term limits also (6 months max, no more generational nigger gibs). drug tests, and go back to food stamps, not an ebt card you can slide incognito at a self checkout. make people get in line in person to apply for them and be shamed so they want to get off them asap
Not even food stamps. Reasonable-distance distribution centers with only nutritional, cheap food. A lot of rice, beans, fresh or frozen or canned fruit and vegetables, and low-cost cuts of meat, etc.
The niggers used to sell the food stamps for .50 on the dollar. I worked in a gas station convenience store and would see Russian women in fur coats try to give me food stamps. I would not accept them because legally I must see them pull them from the booklet.
Yeah that would’ve been a great plan 10 years ago, but now we have kikes locking competent Whites out of every decent paying job there is, knowing that intelligent White people who don’t have the funds to raise a family comfortably generally won’t have more than one kid, if any at all. They’re forcing us into a situation where gibs is becoming a necessity for a rapidly growing number of Whites with each successive year.
Nah, gibs should come in the form of repatriation, but on the condition they cant come back. They can live like kangs and quanz in africa considering how worthless most african currency is.
The niggers used to sell the food stamps for .50 on the dollar. I worked in a gas station convenience store and would see Russian women in fur coats try to give me food stamps. I would not accept them because legally I must see them pull them from the booklet.