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posted 1 month ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +17Score on mirror )
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steele2 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>Give it one or two generations

You missed the point: the movement against zionism was primarily fueled by 20 year old college students: the people who will be setting policy for the next three generations.

>They will be fine.

Go back and re-read what I said.

>Yes where did they all flee too?

Irrelevant. We are discussing the death of Israel due to self-deportation because Israel's economy is dead, bombs drop on Tel-Aviv every night and IDF concepts have fled to avoid the wars.

>You are a fucken retard.

You have no counterargument. You need to pay more attention and do your own research.

You assume what I said is false only because of your ignorance.

Shrug this off it you want, but these are facts.
derjudenjager on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Your entire government is owned and operated by jews. What gives you the idea that they will ever let you vote in someone who is anti pissrael. The jews will fight to the death before they even let you have one person in office. The only people that will be setting policy will be the jews

Irrelevant? Im sorry what now? More kikes in America is irrelevant?

Are you fucking retarded? Clearly yes.

So more jew here for the expansion of greater pissrael plus canada and greenland.

I go back to my original comment.

Let me know when jews are dangling from a rope. I will take back and apologize for what i said
steele2 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child

Yes. We were discussing the death of Israel and you tried to change the subject to a different topic as a rebuttal.

>Let me know when jews are dangling from a rope.

I'm not your mommy.

If you want to sleep until the war is won then find someone else to wake you.

derjudenjager on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Lets play a hypothetical. Lets say in fact tgst israeli will be destroyed. What makes you think that they have not prepared or even planned this themselves?

All the White nationalists will see israeli is destroyed but all tgat happend is you cut the head off the snake but 3 more snake heads have popped up. Because of all the jews that fleed amd now even more so control your government with an iron fist. And now we will be at expulsion number 1054 out of 111 countries. The cycle continues. Intil they are all removed from everywhere at the same time history is just stuck on repeat like a broken record. This spell can easily be broken if the STUPID FUCKEN BRAIN DEAD FAGGOT POPULATION WILL JUST WALE THE FUCK UP.
steele2 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Killing Israel will stabilize the moslem middle east.

That said, many of the Arab nations are ZOG, but they are now facing a united front from the non-ZOG Arab middle eastern nations who have united against their common enemy of Israel (Sunni and Shai).

Kikes will never (not for a century) have the ability to recreate Israel because the world won't tolerate another apartheid state in any form.

Q: Haven't you wondered why kikes can now be criticized on (((social media)))?

A: It's because the world has so absolutely turned against zionism that there's no way for any of the jew social media platforms to censor all the hate. There aren't enough mods in the world. Kikes are still trying to censor criticism, but what they shut down is only a drop in the ocean.

Now that kikes can be criticized openly AND their mainstream media fake news is dead and largely replaced by citizen journalists, it makes it far more difficult for them to subvert governments without normies noticing.

The fight continues and we've had a huge string of recent victories since Oct 7 2023. Dooming and complaining won't help anyone except the jew.
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