1 month ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
I don't like that phrase. Who does someone think they are to recklessly say what God does or does not forbid unless it is cited from the Bible?
Also, kanye west is a nigger who likes to whore out White women. So i don't think White nationalists should white knight for this nigger just because he named some jews. Most nigger rappers and jews are in bed together and when they are infighting you let them infight.
lol what a skinny little rat fuck kike.
Also, kanye west is a nigger who likes to whore out White women. So i don't think White nationalists should white knight for this nigger just because he named some jews. Most nigger rappers and jews are in bed together and when they are infighting you let them infight.
I couldn't care any less what that dumb ye nigger does.