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Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child

Palestinians are TOO DANGEROUS to live amongst muh precious jews.

So let's dump them into your White children's communities instead!

"We're so winning" - TrumpTards u/Dingdongalong u/lambatest_test u/philiphead

When will Trumptards realize that all the massive migration is because of jews?

**REPOST: The Synagogue Of Satan Anti-Christ Racist Jew Organizations That Dump Millions Of Migrants Into White Christian Nations. Build The Wall & Arrest & Execute Jews Involved In The Systematic Invasion and Sabotage Of White Christian Nations. #WhiteReplacement #SatanicJews #ImpaleJews**

The White Race continues to get demoralized and replaced with Trump and Republicans in power.

If Trump's such a great negotiator, why can't he negotiate with Netanyahu to turn over all those pedophiles that are given safe haven in Israel?

**Israel Is A Safe Haven For Pedophiles. Republicans Should Cut Off All Aid To Israel Until Jew Pedophiles Are Extradited Back To America For Prosecution.** and
WeedleTLiar on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
To be fair, they aren't talking about bringing them to the States. They're going to dump their garbage on others.
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