1 month ago28 points(+0/-0/+28Score on mirror)4 children
>I have instructed the IDF to prepare a plan that will allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them.
So, ummmm. What about the ones that *don't* leave? No comment? Alright
It's not an offer to leave to avoid war, it's an ultimatum to leave or be exterminated. Just dressed up in platitudes. Jews are good at doing that.
1 month ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)1 child
2 birds with one stone to the jew. They get to contribute significantly to the extermination of the race of 2 of their biggest enemies. How convenient this is for them. Clever kikes.
Why not just exterminate all the palestinians Trump? Netanyahu and your greatest allies already exterminated over 50,000 of them just because some crisis actors flew kites on october 7th, you fucking fraud. I thought all the palestinians were terrorists? Now they're refugees? Make up your mind you fucking fraud coward.
u/TheLiquorSnurf u/DickTick u/DatTrumpDoh Dumping your terrorists oops i mean refugees into White nations. You tired of winning yet you rubes? Zionists all deserve to be impaled.
"Legally obligated" under what authrotity? These are the same serpents that claim they're not subject to The International Court of Justice (ICJ) for their Human Rights abuses, but somehow other nations are "legally obligated" to take refugees?
1 month ago8 points(+0/-0/+8Score on mirror)1 child
Palestinians are TOO DANGEROUS to live amongst muh precious jews.
So let's dump them into your White children's communities instead!
"We're so winning" - TrumpTards u/Dingdongalong u/lambatest_test u/philiphead
When will Trumptards realize that all the massive migration is because of jews?
**REPOST: The Synagogue Of Satan Anti-Christ Racist Jew Organizations That Dump Millions Of Migrants Into White Christian Nations. Build The Wall & Arrest & Execute Jews Involved In The Systematic Invasion and Sabotage Of White Christian Nations. #WhiteReplacement #SatanicJews #ImpaleJews** https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/17te9pKqlK/repost-the-synagogue-of-satan-an/c
The White Race continues to get demoralized and replaced with Trump and Republicans in power.
If Trump's such a great negotiator, why can't he negotiate with Netanyahu to turn over all those pedophiles that are given safe haven in Israel?
**Israel Is A Safe Haven For Pedophiles. Republicans Should Cut Off All Aid To Israel Until Jew Pedophiles Are Extradited Back To America For Prosecution.** https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/17r9b9rkIQ/israel-is-a-safe-haven-for-pedop/c and https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/17ty2fBUDU/israel-pedophiles-safe-haven/c
Funny how it’s never an option to ship the victims of ZOG displacement into Africa. It’s a massive continent, with plenty of room for an extra billion people if need be, even if we exclude the Sahara desert. Why not at least send Muslims to Muslim countries? Always to Europe, never any other place for browns to go. They couldn’t make the Kalergi plan any more obvious.
So, ummmm. What about the ones that *don't* leave? No comment? Alright
It's not an offer to leave to avoid war, it's an ultimatum to leave or be exterminated. Just dressed up in platitudes. Jews are good at doing that.
They aren't stealing our women, they are raping and murdering them.
Are you tired of winning yet pedes?
u/TheLiquorSnurf u/DickTick u/DatTrumpDoh Dumping your terrorists oops i mean refugees into White nations. You tired of winning yet you rubes? Zionists all deserve to be impaled.