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Every fucking time (
posted 1 month ago by Dps1879 on (+0 / -0 / +51Score on mirror )
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-f-b-i- on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 2 children
Okay I didn’t realize you were unreasonable. I did attempt to have a good faith conversation but seemingly only one person cared to work constructively with me. You say your enemies are the Jews yet decide I’m just as bad. Your tactics fail and I will no longer attempt to have an open dialogue.
TallestSkil on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
>you’re unreasonable because you asked me to read about the topic you’re discussiing

>you’re not having a good faith conversation because you proved me wrong

>you said things you didn’t say because I say you did

# You’re clinically fucking insane.

u/Elvis_Interstellar, ban this fucking piece of shit. It’s not even pretending to read or reply in conversation and has openly admitted to actively working against us. IT doesn’t belong here.
Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
I am trying to reason all of this.

1. If globalism is not international jewry, then what is it? Who controls it? Everyone, even Trump supporters, see that there is a "uniparty" and a controlling hand that manipulates both political parties. Who has that sort of power and money and control? If not the elitist international cabal of central jew bankers, then who is it? You can make fun of and criticize everyone EXCEPT jews. There's a huge body of evidence that it is international banker class jews, but you don't seem to want to even entertain that evidence because of some ingrained platitude about "chosen people" or "greatest allies" (propaganda) when every thinking intelligent white man's senses tell him jews are not actually good or honest people, not compatible with Christian values, and are quite racist with in-group preference and a fake victimhood cloak ( ) even more pathetic than blacks crying racist every day. More White people died in WWII than jews, so stop pretending like you have to white knight for these lying, perverted jews. All these jews are conniving. I've never actually met a good, honest, hard working jew in my entire life and that's over 500 years! Also, if White people saved jews in WWII, why do jews treat our nations so poorly and mass invade every white nation with migrants so that we become raped minorities in our own formerly White nations while jews fill out all the cabinet positions and make up 50% of all billionaires while supposedly only being 2% of the population? All the evidence points to jews and others articulate it better than I do. The globalists are just jews. What's your counterargument? Like someone else here said, you only want to whine about the symptoms of globalist jew rule, not the source of the symptoms which is jews. You still think this is about policies!

2. Why are moderators at theDonald scared of having this debate? You can screed "nazi!" "Stormfag" "joooOooOoOooOs" but you are scared to have the debate just like a democrat was scared to try to explain what's in the vaccine or why they were told they need one then boosters then third and fourth shots. When you ask people to explain their positions and they get angry or else bluescreen or resort to censorship, it means they hold the losing side of a logical argument. I'm the one who has done so much research. You guys are the ones just repeating stephen spielberg plots and narratives (hollywood fake news).

3. I am not certain that having this debate with you is productive because you very well and very likely are just an agent and someone trying to manipulate people, withhold facts, steer political factions, mislead people because that's what you are trained and paid to do and you justify it with your own mental gymnastics and tainted moral code. You could be a government employee or indirectly funded by USA or Israel government or psy-operations. It's difficult, with all the evidence abound, that someone so committed to protecting jews doesn't already know what there is to be known about this subject and has already chosen sides. The easy choice was just to get along with the jew grift, keep the federal reserve fiat banking scheme going, and ride on a jew coat tail like a sellout shabbos goy unless you're just a jew yourself pretending to be a fellow white "judeo-Christian" (oxymoron) fraud conservative. If you immediately need a job and you like your anti-Christ jew counterparts or you believe you immediately have something to gain by allying with them then you are not in the same positions as most Whites in White nations who are watching everything around them get rapidly destroyed the more they ally with zionists, Israel, Netanyahu, neo-con zionists, shabbos goys, and waste their time consuming jewish products and jewish propaganda and jewish satanic influences on their culture.
-f-b-i- on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
Your Username fits. Enjoy battling those boogie man fake unnamed unidentified globalists alongside Ben Shapiro. Fraud!
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