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Every fucking time (
posted 1 month ago by Dps1879 on (+0 / -0 / +51Score on mirror )
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PurestEvil on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
And as a note, if we are wrong about jews, then lets talk about it openly. But we can't, because we are right, and the only way to "disprove" us is to not let us talk.

And there is another way to disprove us. Show us the jews who expose all these malevolent, corrosive, corrupt practices in government and corporate we talk about. Where are the good jews who oppose the jewish practices we point out? I'd change my mind if they'd exist, in fact I'd endorse them. There is Brother Nathaniel for example, but he is a convert.

I'd throw every pedophile, rapist, traitor, degenerate, communist who is White gladly under the bus, but where are the jews who do the same? Or oh, oh - let me guess - the jews are so morally perfect that this cannot happen? Sure... Instead jews collectively hold together, and shield and protect the "bad jews" from justice.
Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
>And as a note, if we are wrong about jews, then lets talk about it openly.

Yes! If I am wrong about jews, and i am just some spazzed out turrets syndrome who thinks there's a jew hiding under my bed, then show me. Show me the globalists are someone else. Show me that all these jews in positions of power are actually good guys with the real best interests of White Christians in mind. LOL as ridiculous as that sounds. Show me who is behind the curtain for the uniparty that even Trump supporters recognize is a "uniparty" or one puppeteer controlling both political parties' puppets. I very much doubt it is a White Christian who is manipulating democrat and republicans to terrorize Whites and treat them as second rate citizens inside all the formerly White nations around the world.

Why is affirmative action, protections for minorities, racial quotas, funding for minorities, etc. ONLY PUSHED IN WHITE NATIONS?!?!!?? It is not demanded of chinese, or japanese, or indians, or Africans, or south americans. Only White nations must use government to promote all races other than the one currently in the majority. It is OBVIOUS that the globalists are racist and have it out for White people and have TARGETED white nations for population replacement, restrictions against Whites forming any white pride or white nationalist groups and organizations, and basically rip down and criticize all our former white leaders and the White conquerors who conquered this nation and try to replace them all with lying jews and their shaniquas and moniques and use White nations as DUMPING GROUND for refugees from every nation jews bomb and exploit. Libya for example.

Who controls the MOSSAD? Who controls the CIA? Who gets to use USA military as their own private enforcement? Not White Christians. Not White people for protecting their own national borders. THE GLOBALISTS ARE NOT WHITE PEOPLE!!!!

So that should be the first clue for a normie TrumpTard. To realize it's bigger than just Democrat party versus Republican party. There are far more powerful groups and factions at play here. They've made it this far. They've recognized a "globalist" or "deep state" force is at hand here.

So identify who those people are for me. It's the fucking jews, man. I wish it wasn't. I wish I was wrong. It's especially hard for me to accept because I am a Christian. Imagine how much I'd love for all the zionist chosen people BS i was fed in bible studies to be true.

>jews collectively hold together, and shield and protect the "bad jews" from justice.

**Israel Is A Safe Haven For Pedophiles. Republicans Should Cut Off All Aid To Israel Until Jew Pedophiles Are Extradited Back To America For Prosecution.**

How about our "greatest allies" hand over the pedophiles who had some strange reason to believe that Israel, nation of our "chosens peoples" would provide pedophiles safe haven? Republicans are frauds. If Trump is such a great negotiator, why won't he negotiate with Netanyahu for all Israeli citizens or anyone inhabiting Israel or under their protection who have or had previous or currently outstanding warrants to be arrested and handed over to the USA for prosecution? LOL imagine if Trump actually put America first. ZOGnald is a FRAUD!!! c/TheZOGnald
PurestEvil on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
> Only White nations must use government to promote all races other than the one currently in the majority.

The other logical way to see it is this: Only Whites are forced to discriminate against their own kin.

> I wish it wasn't. I wish I was wrong.

If it were all a bunch of nasty White people, we'd identify and oppose them instead. But alas, we already *did* identify that group, and it's overwhelmingly jews. And that identification happened many times over 2 millennia, including Hitler in ~1925, and he didn't like it either.

And if conservatives would go after communists and degenerates as they LARPingly want to, what do you think happens? Holocaust™ v2.0, filled to the brim with jews. That's when the realization would kick in. You think it would be a diverse pack of all ethnicities in the world holding hands? Nope. Overwhelmingly jews.
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