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Every fucking time (
posted 1 month ago by Dps1879 on (+0 / -0 / +51Score on mirror )
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1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) Edited 2025-02-06 15:47:09
>1st thing is you can only tag 3 ppl so doggos hocus and I will be the only ones really pinged here
Irrelevant to what actually matters, but we'll keep that in mind.
>2nd, I don’t care about Jews.
***If you so as much fucking *CALL* yourself a patriot, then you *SHOULD*!***
They (the jews) are the biggest problem plaguing America and everything else wrong with America is just a *symptom* of them. ***SO IF YOU TRULY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WOULDN'T YOU -ACTUALLY- WANT TO SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM PLAGUING IT???*** It's not even the first time they've done it! Historically, they have subverted, degenerated, denigrated and ruined 109 countries. For a grand total of 1,030+ times. **NO OTHER RACE HAS THIS KIND OF TRACK RECORD. NOT A ONE.**
>I think some of them are bad
Nope, it's ALL of them. History *alone* proves this fact to be true. It is in their blood and DNA, historically speaking.
I mean they only fucked 109 countries about 1,030+ times, but sure, the 110th country will be the charm, I'm sure! (Are you fucking *serious*?)
>I am sure some of them are good.
Nope, try the ever-living fuck again.
>I care more about specifics than generalizations.
Oh, okay. Well since you wanted **specifics**, here you go:
All the specifics you can shake a stick at. Full of objective facts, historical records and official documentation.
If you were able to redpill yourself into supporting Trump (Or rather what we *thought* he was), then you can finish the job, take the next logical step and redpill yourself further. Why *stop* your redpill journey to the truth? Why stagnate? Has your capacity for learning *diminished*? If so, then you have become a true ***sophist*** and a **coward**.
You should be *ashamed* of yourself.
>3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate
**EXCEPT IT ISN'T SIMPLY "MINDLESS jEW HATE", SOPHIST!** [We have literal, objective proof of their wrongdoing.](
>Allow me to use the analogy of a car site. Jews are the lug nuts. Sure they’re part of the car but if you spend all your time talking about lug nuts then you would be better served by going to a lug nut site than a car site.
Wrong and a piss poor analogy. Don't make me tap the sign again:
>They (the jews) are the biggest problem plaguing America and everything else wrong with America is just a *symptom* of them. ***SO IF YOU TRULY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WOULDN'T YOU -ACTUALLY- WANT TO SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM PLAGUING IT???***
>My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic
Again... Because they are the BIGGEST problem plaguing America. They have captured, own and run our government, our institutions, our industries and have completely subverted our society, culture and indoctrinated large swaths of our population.
That's to say *nothing* of how they treat we Whites ***in our own fucking country***, that we originally created by and for our own race. The *only* reason non-Whites are here is solely because of jews who both brought and let them in here.
Want proof it was meant solely for Whites? Sure, have some citations:
America's Founding Fathers on the subject of race, courtesy of @TallestSkil / u/TallestSkil :
Further proof showing that America was meant strictly for Whites and not jews and other non-White races: (Check the comments, past the "NIGGER" chain for the actual documentation.) (Official government document)
See also, the case of:
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 (Look this case up)
[Lastly, consider /pol/'s razor.](
Just admit already that you're trying to prevent and *stifle* the entirety of TheDonald/ from seeing and learning the *truth*.
>The first reaction to truth is hatred.
– Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus
>I understand I’m not a beloved person here
Pure sophistry. It isn't *merely* a matter of like or hate. It's what you *do* and what you *do* is wrong and you know it.
>but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here
I hope so, for your sake. But actions speak louder than words. ***Show us.***
>I just want to protect my community
***Your*** community? Excuse you.
>sometimes protecting it from becoming a site solely intent on discussing lug nuts is something that is required
Nonsense and hogwash.
And just what are you protecting it from exactly? The truth? Revealing the actual **root cause** of many of America's problems? Is the site *not* also called "" and not just "TheDonald"? Would not *actual patriots* discuss and want to resolve the ***✡root problem✡***? In such cases, the *last* thing you should ever be doing is stifling, censoring and **snuffing** it out.
u/TallestSkil anything else to add on the matter? After all, did they not ban *you* as well merely for telling the truth?
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