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Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago8 points(+0/-0/+8Score on mirror)
1. Thanks for explaining this. I'll exclude you and rotate in some other mods for my occasional rants.
2. That's the same canned response other moderators have given me. "Some jews may be involved in globalism and i condemn those" Yet generalizations are allowed for all illegal aliens, blacks, muslims, etc. Terms like Dindu Nuffin and Goatfucker and mass generalization of muslims and arabs is allowed. You can basically label and paint billions of china people at TheDonald with a broad brush. All the palestinians are terrorists at TheDonald. Generalization is allowed, just not for muh precious jews.
3. 70% of Biden's cabinet were jews and we knew biden and kamala harris were not running the country. For you guys to pretend jews are just some small fringe fraction of the globalist cabal you claim you are against is silly. Everything Trump supporters claim they are against can be traced back to jews. Abortion, feminism, communism, debt, usury, inflation, fake news, woketard universities, puberty blockers literally manufactured in israel, the boston children hospital doctors performing transgender surgeries on children being jewish, the disney groomer board of directors being mostly jewish, even most of the people impeaching and prosecuting Trump were jews! Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Ciaramella, Vindman, William Barr, Avril Haines, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Goldstein, Engoron, Wray, Susan Hoffinger, Michael Cohen, etc. When Disney was in the news for grooming kids you had Bob Chapek, Braverman, ronald iden, alan bergman, jay Rasulo, Jennifer cohen, Brent Woodfor, Susan Arnold, Mary Barra, etc. etc. jews jews jews wanting to groom our White Children. Who do you think owns the federal reserve? White Christians? Not Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Warburg, Rothschilds, JewP Morgan? etc? WHO DO YOU THINK THE UNIPARTY BEHIND THE SCENES IS IF NOT JEWS? White people? LOL And what about all the CONSTANT PANDERING TO ISRAEL in political party debates, at both political parties' conventions? What about Zelinsky the jew and Netanyahu the jew doing campaign tours inside the USA in OCTOBER JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTION?1?!?!? And yet we get gaslit about "Russians" interfering in our elections because they spent $5,000 on fake hillary clinton rally advertisements on Facebook in 2016? You're BS about jews just being the lug nuts on a car is a laughable analogy and no one here with any critical thinking skills or sense is going to accept that nonsense.
Also I appreciate you for replying to my call-out but i do question your genuineness and sincerity. I do suspect that most moderators are either protecting jews or just scared to ever name them because to so many it is the greatest taboo to ever criticize a precious jew awwww poor Anne Frank and Indiana Jones (harrison ford is a jew) punches Nazis in jew Spielberg's The Last Crusade therefore NAZIS BAD!!!
Oh and the whole scamdemic. The scamdemic was so jewish. Walensky was in charge at CDC. The CEO of pfizer was jew albert bourla. the CMO at Moderna was a jew. Also it was proven that the ACE2 receptor to which the bio-weapon binded to was least likely to bind in ethnic jews, meaning the bio-weapon targeted certain genetic races of people which is backed by data and studies. So just a deep analysis of the ScamDemic should indicate to an intelligent thinking man that jews are involved because they LITERALLY ARE.
Who do you think are the GOOD Jews? LOL this is a serious question. Which Jews are what Trump supporters describe as "Our Greatest Allies" ? Can you drop the names of a few jews who you think are a White Christian Conservative's greatest allies? I'm curious who these good jews are.
2. That's the same canned response other moderators have given me. "Some jews may be involved in globalism and i condemn those" Yet generalizations are allowed for all illegal aliens, blacks, muslims, etc. Terms like Dindu Nuffin and Goatfucker and mass generalization of muslims and arabs is allowed. You can basically label and paint billions of china people at TheDonald with a broad brush. All the palestinians are terrorists at TheDonald. Generalization is allowed, just not for muh precious jews.
3. 70% of Biden's cabinet were jews and we knew biden and kamala harris were not running the country. For you guys to pretend jews are just some small fringe fraction of the globalist cabal you claim you are against is silly. Everything Trump supporters claim they are against can be traced back to jews. Abortion, feminism, communism, debt, usury, inflation, fake news, woketard universities, puberty blockers literally manufactured in israel, the boston children hospital doctors performing transgender surgeries on children being jewish, the disney groomer board of directors being mostly jewish, even most of the people impeaching and prosecuting Trump were jews! Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Ciaramella, Vindman, William Barr, Avril Haines, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Goldstein, Engoron, Wray, Susan Hoffinger, Michael Cohen, etc. When Disney was in the news for grooming kids you had Bob Chapek, Braverman, ronald iden, alan bergman, jay Rasulo, Jennifer cohen, Brent Woodfor, Susan Arnold, Mary Barra, etc. etc. jews jews jews wanting to groom our White Children. Who do you think owns the federal reserve? White Christians? Not Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Warburg, Rothschilds, JewP Morgan? etc? WHO DO YOU THINK THE UNIPARTY BEHIND THE SCENES IS IF NOT JEWS? White people? LOL And what about all the CONSTANT PANDERING TO ISRAEL in political party debates, at both political parties' conventions? What about Zelinsky the jew and Netanyahu the jew doing campaign tours inside the USA in OCTOBER JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTION?1?!?!? And yet we get gaslit about "Russians" interfering in our elections because they spent $5,000 on fake hillary clinton rally advertisements on Facebook in 2016? You're BS about jews just being the lug nuts on a car is a laughable analogy and no one here with any critical thinking skills or sense is going to accept that nonsense.
Also I appreciate you for replying to my call-out but i do question your genuineness and sincerity. I do suspect that most moderators are either protecting jews or just scared to ever name them because to so many it is the greatest taboo to ever criticize a precious jew awwww poor Anne Frank and Indiana Jones (harrison ford is a jew) punches Nazis in jew Spielberg's The Last Crusade therefore NAZIS BAD!!!
Oh and the whole scamdemic. The scamdemic was so jewish. Walensky was in charge at CDC. The CEO of pfizer was jew albert bourla. the CMO at Moderna was a jew. Also it was proven that the ACE2 receptor to which the bio-weapon binded to was least likely to bind in ethnic jews, meaning the bio-weapon targeted certain genetic races of people which is backed by data and studies. So just a deep analysis of the ScamDemic should indicate to an intelligent thinking man that jews are involved because they LITERALLY ARE.
Who do you think are the GOOD Jews? LOL this is a serious question. Which Jews are what Trump supporters describe as "Our Greatest Allies" ? Can you drop the names of a few jews who you think are a White Christian Conservative's greatest allies? I'm curious who these good jews are.