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Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago11 points(+1/-0/+10Score on mirror)4 children
I was banned from TheDonald in 2021 for pointing out the fact that Joe Biden's cabinet was nearly 70% jewish and that the globalists were apparently just jews.
Even Candace Owens and that dumb nigger Kanye West figured it out. Stew Peters. Mark Dice.
Yet the mods at TheDonald still believe that jews are separate from globalists, or not one and the same, or that jews have no hand in globalism, open borders, feminism, abortion, transgenderism, puberty blockers, provocation of wars, interest usury and debt, etc.
They are either too stupid to know it is the jews, or they know and censor any discussion about it.
Today Trump just signed off on stealing what is mostly left of the Palestinian land and finishing off the ethnic cleansing of people far more SEMITIC than the fraud jews in Israel. In fact, no one on the planet is more anti-Semitic than zionist jews themselves, who have slaughtered and murdered many millions of SEMITIC middle easterners. No one in the middle east wants jews there and if TrumpTards weren't so drunk off bud light they might be able to figure out that globalists are just the international banker class of elitist jews. They run everything from Hollywood to CIA to world bank to international monetary fund to the interest rates, currency exchange rates, the stock market exchanges, the federal reserve, most of mass media publishing and broadcast and film production and the printing press and publishing and universities through endowment funds and boards of directors.
Most of the NGO's trafficking migrants into White nations were jewish and i have posted it several times, just not at TheDonald because they ban all the evidence that proves me right and them wrong.
They also think banning TikTok has much to do with CHY-NA, instead of the fact that the owner of the few social medias that are attacked, such as Telegram and TikTok, are the very few social media companies not owned by jews. And all the evidence of ethnic cleansing, dead bodies, dead women and children was spreading like wild fire on TikTok. Republicans and Democrats had to do what their jew masters demanded and shut it down and then scapegoat CHY-NA because dumb sportsball watching jew worshiping fat bellied Trump supporters are stupid enough to always scapegoat China just like Democrats are stupid enough to always scapegoat Russia Russia.
At this point I must consider Trump supporters to be too stupid and just as brainwashed as democrats. As for some of the moderators tagged, i think they know damn well that the globalists are just jews and only hold their moderator status to squash and censor any mainstream discussion about it among the Trump Republican constituent base.
I don’t hold any allegiance to the jews whatsoever. I certainly won’t intercede on behalf of or defend them or any other group that doesn’t represent me and my values FIRST.
Go touch some grass and leave me the fuck out of whatever mental crisis you’re having.
1 month ago-3 points(+0/-0/-3Score on mirror)5 children
1st thing is you can only tag 3 ppl so doggos hocus and I will be the only ones really pinged here.
2nd, I don’t care about Jews. I think some of them are bad and I am sure some of them are good. I care more about specifics than generalizations.
3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate. Allow me to use the analogy of a car site. Jews are the lug nuts. Sure they’re part of the car but if you spend all your time talking about lug nuts then you would be better served by going to a lug nut site than a car site. My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic.
I understand I’m not a beloved person here but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here I just want to protect my community and sometimes protecting it from becoming a site solely intent on discussing lug nuts is something that is required
1. Thanks for explaining this. I'll exclude you and rotate in some other mods for my occasional rants.
2. That's the same canned response other moderators have given me. "Some jews may be involved in globalism and i condemn those" Yet generalizations are allowed for all illegal aliens, blacks, muslims, etc. Terms like Dindu Nuffin and Goatfucker and mass generalization of muslims and arabs is allowed. You can basically label and paint billions of china people at TheDonald with a broad brush. All the palestinians are terrorists at TheDonald. Generalization is allowed, just not for muh precious jews.
3. 70% of Biden's cabinet were jews and we knew biden and kamala harris were not running the country. For you guys to pretend jews are just some small fringe fraction of the globalist cabal you claim you are against is silly. Everything Trump supporters claim they are against can be traced back to jews. Abortion, feminism, communism, debt, usury, inflation, fake news, woketard universities, puberty blockers literally manufactured in israel, the boston children hospital doctors performing transgender surgeries on children being jewish, the disney groomer board of directors being mostly jewish, even most of the people impeaching and prosecuting Trump were jews! Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Ciaramella, Vindman, William Barr, Avril Haines, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Goldstein, Engoron, Wray, Susan Hoffinger, Michael Cohen, etc. When Disney was in the news for grooming kids you had Bob Chapek, Braverman, ronald iden, alan bergman, jay Rasulo, Jennifer cohen, Brent Woodfor, Susan Arnold, Mary Barra, etc. etc. jews jews jews wanting to groom our White Children. Who do you think owns the federal reserve? White Christians? Not Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Warburg, Rothschilds, JewP Morgan? etc? WHO DO YOU THINK THE UNIPARTY BEHIND THE SCENES IS IF NOT JEWS? White people? LOL And what about all the CONSTANT PANDERING TO ISRAEL in political party debates, at both political parties' conventions? What about Zelinsky the jew and Netanyahu the jew doing campaign tours inside the USA in OCTOBER JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTION?1?!?!? And yet we get gaslit about "Russians" interfering in our elections because they spent $5,000 on fake hillary clinton rally advertisements on Facebook in 2016? You're BS about jews just being the lug nuts on a car is a laughable analogy and no one here with any critical thinking skills or sense is going to accept that nonsense.
Also I appreciate you for replying to my call-out but i do question your genuineness and sincerity. I do suspect that most moderators are either protecting jews or just scared to ever name them because to so many it is the greatest taboo to ever criticize a precious jew awwww poor Anne Frank and Indiana Jones (harrison ford is a jew) punches Nazis in jew Spielberg's The Last Crusade therefore NAZIS BAD!!!
Oh and the whole scamdemic. The scamdemic was so jewish. Walensky was in charge at CDC. The CEO of pfizer was jew albert bourla. the CMO at Moderna was a jew. Also it was proven that the ACE2 receptor to which the bio-weapon binded to was least likely to bind in ethnic jews, meaning the bio-weapon targeted certain genetic races of people which is backed by data and studies. So just a deep analysis of the ScamDemic should indicate to an intelligent thinking man that jews are involved because they LITERALLY ARE.
Who do you think are the GOOD Jews? LOL this is a serious question. Which Jews are what Trump supporters describe as "Our Greatest Allies" ? Can you drop the names of a few jews who you think are a White Christian Conservative's greatest allies? I'm curious who these good jews are.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
> 2nd, I don’t care about Jews. I think some of them are bad and I am sure some of them are good. I care more about specifics than generalizations.
Well, when Hitler removed jews from positions of influence, namely government, education, media and finance, and incarcerated essentially degenerates, peddlers of degeneracy, communists and (self-declared) enemies of Germany, Germany had a massive economic recovery to a point it became a world power that conquered (and liberated) Europe. And most of the people he incarcerated were jews, as we know.
If Hitler would have been wrong, Germany would have fallen more into disarray. But he was proven right by his actions and its consequences, and the West decided already in 1933 that Germany had to be destroyed. Why? Because they wanted the secret ingredient to a country's success to be suppressed - which was "recognizing and dealing with the jewish problem."
> My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic.
Fair. But you have to understand that there is causality, meaning causes and effects. While TDW heavily censors all talk about the causes, because it goes against their ideology (wishful thinking about equality), we don't. TDW only likes to talk about symptoms without ever pointing the fingers at the causes. It's like having arsonists run rampant forever, and thinking that clearing the forest fires solves the problem. And when someone mentions the arsonist problem, he gets called a bigot Nazi and gets shut down.
And if that topic weren't so heavily censored, people wouldn't be so hellbent on talking about it. TDW would thrive with less of that heavy handed Reddit-like censorship.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
>And if that topic weren't so heavily censored, people wouldn't be so hellbent on talking about it.
Yes!!! If it were not such a taboo and forbidden topic, it would be less interesting. The fact it is so forbidden and consequential to fairly and accurately criticize a jew makes it seem to me that i am over the REAL TARGET.
Isn't that sort of what Trump supporters claim Trump did to win the 2016 election? He was willing to be POLITICALLY INCORRECT to a degree, which was REFRESHING after 8 years of truth being stifled under Obama. But suddenly one must only be as politically incorrect as Trump is, but not a single degree more? Is it "POLITICALLY INCORRECT" to discuss the culpability of jews in globalist infiltration and sabotage of White nations around the world? SO WHAT?!?!? Real Patriots aren't "politically correct" and real patriots don't storm normandy beach to save Christ-Hating Anti-Christ Lying Pervert jews or Faggots or Trannies. So i think it is YOU GUYS, the MAGAtards who love jews, who are the real "STORMFAGS." You are the faggots who would storm Normandy Beach all over again to save lying pervert jews like Howard Stern and Harvey Weinstein and Larry Finklestein and George Soros. You've learned nothing in what is nearly 100 years. Completely brainwashed by post-WWII propaganda, the cold war, fiat federal reserve system and international jewry and the biggest FAKE VICTIM GROUP in the world: jews.
And as a note, if we are wrong about jews, then lets talk about it openly. But we can't, because we are right, and the only way to "disprove" us is to not let us talk.
And there is another way to disprove us. Show us the jews who expose all these malevolent, corrosive, corrupt practices in government and corporate we talk about. Where are the good jews who oppose the jewish practices we point out? I'd change my mind if they'd exist, in fact I'd endorse them. There is Brother Nathaniel for example, but he is a convert.
I'd throw every pedophile, rapist, traitor, degenerate, communist who is White gladly under the bus, but where are the jews who do the same? Or oh, oh - let me guess - the jews are so morally perfect that this cannot happen? Sure... Instead jews collectively hold together, and shield and protect the "bad jews" from justice.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
>And as a note, if we are wrong about jews, then lets talk about it openly.
Yes! If I am wrong about jews, and i am just some spazzed out turrets syndrome who thinks there's a jew hiding under my bed, then show me. Show me the globalists are someone else. Show me that all these jews in positions of power are actually good guys with the real best interests of White Christians in mind. LOL as ridiculous as that sounds. Show me who is behind the curtain for the uniparty that even Trump supporters recognize is a "uniparty" or one puppeteer controlling both political parties' puppets. I very much doubt it is a White Christian who is manipulating democrat and republicans to terrorize Whites and treat them as second rate citizens inside all the formerly White nations around the world.
Why is affirmative action, protections for minorities, racial quotas, funding for minorities, etc. ONLY PUSHED IN WHITE NATIONS?!?!!?? It is not demanded of chinese, or japanese, or indians, or Africans, or south americans. Only White nations must use government to promote all races other than the one currently in the majority. It is OBVIOUS that the globalists are racist and have it out for White people and have TARGETED white nations for population replacement, restrictions against Whites forming any white pride or white nationalist groups and organizations, and basically rip down and criticize all our former white leaders and the White conquerors who conquered this nation and try to replace them all with lying jews and their shaniquas and moniques and use White nations as DUMPING GROUND for refugees from every nation jews bomb and exploit. Libya for example.
Who controls the MOSSAD? Who controls the CIA? Who gets to use USA military as their own private enforcement? Not White Christians. Not White people for protecting their own national borders. THE GLOBALISTS ARE NOT WHITE PEOPLE!!!!
So that should be the first clue for a normie TrumpTard. To realize it's bigger than just Democrat party versus Republican party. There are far more powerful groups and factions at play here. They've made it this far. They've recognized a "globalist" or "deep state" force is at hand here.
So identify who those people are for me. It's the fucking jews, man. I wish it wasn't. I wish I was wrong. It's especially hard for me to accept because I am a Christian. Imagine how much I'd love for all the zionist chosen people BS i was fed in bible studies to be true.
>jews collectively hold together, and shield and protect the "bad jews" from justice.
**Israel Is A Safe Haven For Pedophiles. Republicans Should Cut Off All Aid To Israel Until Jew Pedophiles Are Extradited Back To America For Prosecution.**
How about our "greatest allies" hand over the pedophiles who had some strange reason to believe that Israel, nation of our "chosens peoples" would provide pedophiles safe haven? Republicans are frauds. If Trump is such a great negotiator, why won't he negotiate with Netanyahu for all Israeli citizens or anyone inhabiting Israel or under their protection who have or had previous or currently outstanding warrants to be arrested and handed over to the USA for prosecution? LOL imagine if Trump actually put America first. ZOGnald is a FRAUD!!! c/TheZOGnald
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)Edited 2025-02-06 15:47:09
>1st thing is you can only tag 3 ppl so doggos hocus and I will be the only ones really pinged here
Irrelevant to what actually matters, but we'll keep that in mind.
>2nd, I don’t care about Jews.
***If you so as much fucking *CALL* yourself a patriot, then you *SHOULD*!***
They (the jews) are the biggest problem plaguing America and everything else wrong with America is just a *symptom* of them. ***SO IF YOU TRULY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WOULDN'T YOU -ACTUALLY- WANT TO SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM PLAGUING IT???*** It's not even the first time they've done it! Historically, they have subverted, degenerated, denigrated and ruined 109 countries. For a grand total of 1,030+ times. **NO OTHER RACE HAS THIS KIND OF TRACK RECORD. NOT A ONE.**
>I think some of them are bad
Nope, it's ALL of them. History *alone* proves this fact to be true. It is in their blood and DNA, historically speaking.
I mean they only fucked 109 countries about 1,030+ times, but sure, the 110th country will be the charm, I'm sure! (Are you fucking *serious*?)
>I am sure some of them are good.
Nope, try the ever-living fuck again.
>I care more about specifics than generalizations.
Oh, okay. Well since you wanted **specifics**, here you go:
All the specifics you can shake a stick at. Full of objective facts, historical records and official documentation.
If you were able to redpill yourself into supporting Trump (Or rather what we *thought* he was), then you can finish the job, take the next logical step and redpill yourself further. Why *stop* your redpill journey to the truth? Why stagnate? Has your capacity for learning *diminished*? If so, then you have become a true ***sophist*** and a **coward**.
You should be *ashamed* of yourself.
>3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate
**EXCEPT IT ISN'T SIMPLY "MINDLESS jEW HATE", SOPHIST!** [We have literal, objective proof of their wrongdoing.](
>Allow me to use the analogy of a car site. Jews are the lug nuts. Sure they’re part of the car but if you spend all your time talking about lug nuts then you would be better served by going to a lug nut site than a car site.
Wrong and a piss poor analogy. Don't make me tap the sign again:
>They (the jews) are the biggest problem plaguing America and everything else wrong with America is just a *symptom* of them. ***SO IF YOU TRULY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WOULDN'T YOU -ACTUALLY- WANT TO SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM PLAGUING IT???***
>My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic
Again... Because they are the BIGGEST problem plaguing America. They have captured, own and run our government, our institutions, our industries and have completely subverted our society, culture and indoctrinated large swaths of our population.
That's to say *nothing* of how they treat we Whites ***in our own fucking country***, that we originally created by and for our own race. The *only* reason non-Whites are here is solely because of jews who both brought and let them in here.
Want proof it was meant solely for Whites? Sure, have some citations:
America's Founding Fathers on the subject of race, courtesy of @TallestSkil / u/TallestSkil :
Just admit already that you're trying to prevent and *stifle* the entirety of TheDonald/ from seeing and learning the *truth*.
>The first reaction to truth is hatred.
– Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus
>I understand I’m not a beloved person here
Pure sophistry. It isn't *merely* a matter of like or hate. It's what you *do* and what you *do* is wrong and you know it.
>but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here
I hope so, for your sake. But actions speak louder than words. ***Show us.***
>I just want to protect my community
***Your*** community? Excuse you.
>sometimes protecting it from becoming a site solely intent on discussing lug nuts is something that is required
Nonsense and hogwash.
And just what are you protecting it from exactly? The truth? Revealing the actual **root cause** of many of America's problems? Is the site *not* also called "" and not just "TheDonald"? Would not *actual patriots* discuss and want to resolve the ***✡root problem✡***? In such cases, the *last* thing you should ever be doing is stifling, censoring and **snuffing** it out.
u/TallestSkil anything else to add on the matter? After all, did they not ban *you* as well merely for telling the truth?
Then you aren’t one of us and don’t belong here. You’re incapable of being correct on any subject–social, economic, or governmental–without directly addressing this ethnic group. Thus your input is going to be meaningless at best and actively harmful at worst.
>I am sure some of them are good.
>I care more about specifics than generalizations.
NAXALT is a hoax, you know. The specifics are that the jewish religion says to enslave everyone on Earth, destroy all nations, cultures, religions, and borders, and rule over everything with thousands of mulatto goyim slaves so the jewish people never have to do physical labor again as long as they live. You aren’t a jew if you don’t actively work toward this goal. All jews do.
>3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate.
Well, no. A site run by literal paid jewish shills that bans anyone who tells the truth about jews wouldn’t be, would it?
>Jews are the lug nuts.
Jews are the guy who sold you the car at 13% interest. They’re not part of the car at all. They didn’t build it. They didn’t design it. They didn’t maintain it.
>I understand I’m not a beloved person here but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here
Then wake the fuck up to what jews really are.
>I just want to protect my community
So do we. ***From actual threats.*** Three guesses what the primary threat is.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
Generally I am not here but I was pinged here and it is often your desire to be on If you don’t like the way it is moderated then feel free to ignore it forever. I have nothing against anyone here; I just have different opinions. If you’re attempting to alleviate threats I do not understand why any time is spent in patriots. Your true “enemies” aren’t there and all you do is alienate yourself with those that are indifferent.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)2 children
Okay I didn’t realize you were unreasonable. I did attempt to have a good faith conversation but seemingly only one person cared to work constructively with me. You say your enemies are the Jews yet decide I’m just as bad. Your tactics fail and I will no longer attempt to have an open dialogue.
Even Candace Owens and that dumb nigger Kanye West figured it out. Stew Peters. Mark Dice.
Yet the mods at TheDonald still believe that jews are separate from globalists, or not one and the same, or that jews have no hand in globalism, open borders, feminism, abortion, transgenderism, puberty blockers, provocation of wars, interest usury and debt, etc.
They are either too stupid to know it is the jews, or they know and censor any discussion about it.
u/Doggos u/-f-b-i- u/hocuspocusfocusjeep u/danneskjold
u/Hippopoonis u/Thundercles u/PatriotsBot u/C
u/RuprechtThaMonkeyBoy u/TheLiquorSnurf u/DickTick
u/DatTrumpDoh u/Dingdongalong u/lambatest_test u/philiphead
Today Trump just signed off on stealing what is mostly left of the Palestinian land and finishing off the ethnic cleansing of people far more SEMITIC than the fraud jews in Israel. In fact, no one on the planet is more anti-Semitic than zionist jews themselves, who have slaughtered and murdered many millions of SEMITIC middle easterners. No one in the middle east wants jews there and if TrumpTards weren't so drunk off bud light they might be able to figure out that globalists are just the international banker class of elitist jews. They run everything from Hollywood to CIA to world bank to international monetary fund to the interest rates, currency exchange rates, the stock market exchanges, the federal reserve, most of mass media publishing and broadcast and film production and the printing press and publishing and universities through endowment funds and boards of directors.
Most of the NGO's trafficking migrants into White nations were jewish and i have posted it several times, just not at TheDonald because they ban all the evidence that proves me right and them wrong.
They also think banning TikTok has much to do with CHY-NA, instead of the fact that the owner of the few social medias that are attacked, such as Telegram and TikTok, are the very few social media companies not owned by jews. And all the evidence of ethnic cleansing, dead bodies, dead women and children was spreading like wild fire on TikTok. Republicans and Democrats had to do what their jew masters demanded and shut it down and then scapegoat CHY-NA because dumb sportsball watching jew worshiping fat bellied Trump supporters are stupid enough to always scapegoat China just like Democrats are stupid enough to always scapegoat Russia Russia.
At this point I must consider Trump supporters to be too stupid and just as brainwashed as democrats. As for some of the moderators tagged, i think they know damn well that the globalists are just jews and only hold their moderator status to squash and censor any mainstream discussion about it among the Trump Republican constituent base.
Go touch some grass and leave me the fuck out of whatever mental crisis you’re having.
u/Doggos u/-f-b-i- u/hocuspocusfocusjeep
u/danneskjold u/Hippopoonis u/Thundercles
u/PatriotsBot u/C u/RuprechtThaMonkeyBoy
u/TheLiquorSnurf u/DickTick u/DatTrumpDoh
u/Dingdongalong u/lambatest_test u/philiphead
All done.
2nd, I don’t care about Jews. I think some of them are bad and I am sure some of them are good. I care more about specifics than generalizations.
3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate. Allow me to use the analogy of a car site. Jews are the lug nuts. Sure they’re part of the car but if you spend all your time talking about lug nuts then you would be better served by going to a lug nut site than a car site. My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic.
I understand I’m not a beloved person here but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here I just want to protect my community and sometimes protecting it from becoming a site solely intent on discussing lug nuts is something that is required
2. That's the same canned response other moderators have given me. "Some jews may be involved in globalism and i condemn those" Yet generalizations are allowed for all illegal aliens, blacks, muslims, etc. Terms like Dindu Nuffin and Goatfucker and mass generalization of muslims and arabs is allowed. You can basically label and paint billions of china people at TheDonald with a broad brush. All the palestinians are terrorists at TheDonald. Generalization is allowed, just not for muh precious jews.
3. 70% of Biden's cabinet were jews and we knew biden and kamala harris were not running the country. For you guys to pretend jews are just some small fringe fraction of the globalist cabal you claim you are against is silly. Everything Trump supporters claim they are against can be traced back to jews. Abortion, feminism, communism, debt, usury, inflation, fake news, woketard universities, puberty blockers literally manufactured in israel, the boston children hospital doctors performing transgender surgeries on children being jewish, the disney groomer board of directors being mostly jewish, even most of the people impeaching and prosecuting Trump were jews! Nadler, Schiff, Schumer, Ciaramella, Vindman, William Barr, Avril Haines, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Goldstein, Engoron, Wray, Susan Hoffinger, Michael Cohen, etc. When Disney was in the news for grooming kids you had Bob Chapek, Braverman, ronald iden, alan bergman, jay Rasulo, Jennifer cohen, Brent Woodfor, Susan Arnold, Mary Barra, etc. etc. jews jews jews wanting to groom our White Children. Who do you think owns the federal reserve? White Christians? Not Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Warburg, Rothschilds, JewP Morgan? etc? WHO DO YOU THINK THE UNIPARTY BEHIND THE SCENES IS IF NOT JEWS? White people? LOL And what about all the CONSTANT PANDERING TO ISRAEL in political party debates, at both political parties' conventions? What about Zelinsky the jew and Netanyahu the jew doing campaign tours inside the USA in OCTOBER JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTION?1?!?!? And yet we get gaslit about "Russians" interfering in our elections because they spent $5,000 on fake hillary clinton rally advertisements on Facebook in 2016? You're BS about jews just being the lug nuts on a car is a laughable analogy and no one here with any critical thinking skills or sense is going to accept that nonsense.
Also I appreciate you for replying to my call-out but i do question your genuineness and sincerity. I do suspect that most moderators are either protecting jews or just scared to ever name them because to so many it is the greatest taboo to ever criticize a precious jew awwww poor Anne Frank and Indiana Jones (harrison ford is a jew) punches Nazis in jew Spielberg's The Last Crusade therefore NAZIS BAD!!!
Oh and the whole scamdemic. The scamdemic was so jewish. Walensky was in charge at CDC. The CEO of pfizer was jew albert bourla. the CMO at Moderna was a jew. Also it was proven that the ACE2 receptor to which the bio-weapon binded to was least likely to bind in ethnic jews, meaning the bio-weapon targeted certain genetic races of people which is backed by data and studies. So just a deep analysis of the ScamDemic should indicate to an intelligent thinking man that jews are involved because they LITERALLY ARE.
Who do you think are the GOOD Jews? LOL this is a serious question. Which Jews are what Trump supporters describe as "Our Greatest Allies" ? Can you drop the names of a few jews who you think are a White Christian Conservative's greatest allies? I'm curious who these good jews are.
Not even close.
Well, when Hitler removed jews from positions of influence, namely government, education, media and finance, and incarcerated essentially degenerates, peddlers of degeneracy, communists and (self-declared) enemies of Germany, Germany had a massive economic recovery to a point it became a world power that conquered (and liberated) Europe. And most of the people he incarcerated were jews, as we know.
If Hitler would have been wrong, Germany would have fallen more into disarray. But he was proven right by his actions and its consequences, and the West decided already in 1933 that Germany had to be destroyed. Why? Because they wanted the secret ingredient to a country's success to be suppressed - which was "recognizing and dealing with the jewish problem."
> My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic.
Fair. But you have to understand that there is causality, meaning causes and effects. While TDW heavily censors all talk about the causes, because it goes against their ideology (wishful thinking about equality), we don't. TDW only likes to talk about symptoms without ever pointing the fingers at the causes. It's like having arsonists run rampant forever, and thinking that clearing the forest fires solves the problem. And when someone mentions the arsonist problem, he gets called a bigot Nazi and gets shut down.
And if that topic weren't so heavily censored, people wouldn't be so hellbent on talking about it. TDW would thrive with less of that heavy handed Reddit-like censorship.
Yes!!! If it were not such a taboo and forbidden topic, it would be less interesting. The fact it is so forbidden and consequential to fairly and accurately criticize a jew makes it seem to me that i am over the REAL TARGET.
Isn't that sort of what Trump supporters claim Trump did to win the 2016 election? He was willing to be POLITICALLY INCORRECT to a degree, which was REFRESHING after 8 years of truth being stifled under Obama. But suddenly one must only be as politically incorrect as Trump is, but not a single degree more? Is it "POLITICALLY INCORRECT" to discuss the culpability of jews in globalist infiltration and sabotage of White nations around the world? SO WHAT?!?!? Real Patriots aren't "politically correct" and real patriots don't storm normandy beach to save Christ-Hating Anti-Christ Lying Pervert jews or Faggots or Trannies. So i think it is YOU GUYS, the MAGAtards who love jews, who are the real "STORMFAGS." You are the faggots who would storm Normandy Beach all over again to save lying pervert jews like Howard Stern and Harvey Weinstein and Larry Finklestein and George Soros. You've learned nothing in what is nearly 100 years. Completely brainwashed by post-WWII propaganda, the cold war, fiat federal reserve system and international jewry and the biggest FAKE VICTIM GROUP in the world: jews.
And there is another way to disprove us. Show us the jews who expose all these malevolent, corrosive, corrupt practices in government and corporate we talk about. Where are the good jews who oppose the jewish practices we point out? I'd change my mind if they'd exist, in fact I'd endorse them. There is Brother Nathaniel for example, but he is a convert.
I'd throw every pedophile, rapist, traitor, degenerate, communist who is White gladly under the bus, but where are the jews who do the same? Or oh, oh - let me guess - the jews are so morally perfect that this cannot happen? Sure... Instead jews collectively hold together, and shield and protect the "bad jews" from justice.
Yes! If I am wrong about jews, and i am just some spazzed out turrets syndrome who thinks there's a jew hiding under my bed, then show me. Show me the globalists are someone else. Show me that all these jews in positions of power are actually good guys with the real best interests of White Christians in mind. LOL as ridiculous as that sounds. Show me who is behind the curtain for the uniparty that even Trump supporters recognize is a "uniparty" or one puppeteer controlling both political parties' puppets. I very much doubt it is a White Christian who is manipulating democrat and republicans to terrorize Whites and treat them as second rate citizens inside all the formerly White nations around the world.
Why is affirmative action, protections for minorities, racial quotas, funding for minorities, etc. ONLY PUSHED IN WHITE NATIONS?!?!!?? It is not demanded of chinese, or japanese, or indians, or Africans, or south americans. Only White nations must use government to promote all races other than the one currently in the majority. It is OBVIOUS that the globalists are racist and have it out for White people and have TARGETED white nations for population replacement, restrictions against Whites forming any white pride or white nationalist groups and organizations, and basically rip down and criticize all our former white leaders and the White conquerors who conquered this nation and try to replace them all with lying jews and their shaniquas and moniques and use White nations as DUMPING GROUND for refugees from every nation jews bomb and exploit. Libya for example.
Who controls the MOSSAD? Who controls the CIA? Who gets to use USA military as their own private enforcement? Not White Christians. Not White people for protecting their own national borders. THE GLOBALISTS ARE NOT WHITE PEOPLE!!!!
So that should be the first clue for a normie TrumpTard. To realize it's bigger than just Democrat party versus Republican party. There are far more powerful groups and factions at play here. They've made it this far. They've recognized a "globalist" or "deep state" force is at hand here.
So identify who those people are for me. It's the fucking jews, man. I wish it wasn't. I wish I was wrong. It's especially hard for me to accept because I am a Christian. Imagine how much I'd love for all the zionist chosen people BS i was fed in bible studies to be true.
>jews collectively hold together, and shield and protect the "bad jews" from justice.
**Israel Is A Safe Haven For Pedophiles. Republicans Should Cut Off All Aid To Israel Until Jew Pedophiles Are Extradited Back To America For Prosecution.**
How about our "greatest allies" hand over the pedophiles who had some strange reason to believe that Israel, nation of our "chosens peoples" would provide pedophiles safe haven? Republicans are frauds. If Trump is such a great negotiator, why won't he negotiate with Netanyahu for all Israeli citizens or anyone inhabiting Israel or under their protection who have or had previous or currently outstanding warrants to be arrested and handed over to the USA for prosecution? LOL imagine if Trump actually put America first. ZOGnald is a FRAUD!!! c/TheZOGnald
>1st thing is you can only tag 3 ppl so doggos hocus and I will be the only ones really pinged here
Irrelevant to what actually matters, but we'll keep that in mind.
>2nd, I don’t care about Jews.
***If you so as much fucking *CALL* yourself a patriot, then you *SHOULD*!***
They (the jews) are the biggest problem plaguing America and everything else wrong with America is just a *symptom* of them. ***SO IF YOU TRULY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WOULDN'T YOU -ACTUALLY- WANT TO SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM PLAGUING IT???*** It's not even the first time they've done it! Historically, they have subverted, degenerated, denigrated and ruined 109 countries. For a grand total of 1,030+ times. **NO OTHER RACE HAS THIS KIND OF TRACK RECORD. NOT A ONE.**
>I think some of them are bad
Nope, it's ALL of them. History *alone* proves this fact to be true. It is in their blood and DNA, historically speaking.
I mean they only fucked 109 countries about 1,030+ times, but sure, the 110th country will be the charm, I'm sure! (Are you fucking *serious*?)
>I am sure some of them are good.
Nope, try the ever-living fuck again.
>I care more about specifics than generalizations.
Oh, okay. Well since you wanted **specifics**, here you go:
All the specifics you can shake a stick at. Full of objective facts, historical records and official documentation.
If you were able to redpill yourself into supporting Trump (Or rather what we *thought* he was), then you can finish the job, take the next logical step and redpill yourself further. Why *stop* your redpill journey to the truth? Why stagnate? Has your capacity for learning *diminished*? If so, then you have become a true ***sophist*** and a **coward**.
You should be *ashamed* of yourself.
>3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate
**EXCEPT IT ISN'T SIMPLY "MINDLESS jEW HATE", SOPHIST!** [We have literal, objective proof of their wrongdoing.](
>Allow me to use the analogy of a car site. Jews are the lug nuts. Sure they’re part of the car but if you spend all your time talking about lug nuts then you would be better served by going to a lug nut site than a car site.
Wrong and a piss poor analogy. Don't make me tap the sign again:
>They (the jews) are the biggest problem plaguing America and everything else wrong with America is just a *symptom* of them. ***SO IF YOU TRULY WANTED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WOULDN'T YOU -ACTUALLY- WANT TO SOLVE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM PLAGUING IT???***
>My general issue here is users who come over from here to patriots only care to discuss one topic and devolve every conversation into that topic
Again... Because they are the BIGGEST problem plaguing America. They have captured, own and run our government, our institutions, our industries and have completely subverted our society, culture and indoctrinated large swaths of our population.
That's to say *nothing* of how they treat we Whites ***in our own fucking country***, that we originally created by and for our own race. The *only* reason non-Whites are here is solely because of jews who both brought and let them in here.
Want proof it was meant solely for Whites? Sure, have some citations:
America's Founding Fathers on the subject of race, courtesy of @TallestSkil / u/TallestSkil :
Further proof showing that America was meant strictly for Whites and not jews and other non-White races: (Check the comments, past the "NIGGER" chain for the actual documentation.) (Official government document)
See also, the case of:
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 (Look this case up)
[Lastly, consider /pol/'s razor.](
Just admit already that you're trying to prevent and *stifle* the entirety of TheDonald/ from seeing and learning the *truth*.
>The first reaction to truth is hatred.
– Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus
>I understand I’m not a beloved person here
Pure sophistry. It isn't *merely* a matter of like or hate. It's what you *do* and what you *do* is wrong and you know it.
>but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here
I hope so, for your sake. But actions speak louder than words. ***Show us.***
>I just want to protect my community
***Your*** community? Excuse you.
>sometimes protecting it from becoming a site solely intent on discussing lug nuts is something that is required
Nonsense and hogwash.
And just what are you protecting it from exactly? The truth? Revealing the actual **root cause** of many of America's problems? Is the site *not* also called "" and not just "TheDonald"? Would not *actual patriots* discuss and want to resolve the ***✡root problem✡***? In such cases, the *last* thing you should ever be doing is stifling, censoring and **snuffing** it out.
u/TallestSkil anything else to add on the matter? After all, did they not ban *you* as well merely for telling the truth?
Then you aren’t one of us and don’t belong here. You’re incapable of being correct on any subject–social, economic, or governmental–without directly addressing this ethnic group. Thus your input is going to be meaningless at best and actively harmful at worst.
>I am sure some of them are good.
>I care more about specifics than generalizations.
NAXALT is a hoax, you know. The specifics are that the jewish religion says to enslave everyone on Earth, destroy all nations, cultures, religions, and borders, and rule over everything with thousands of mulatto goyim slaves so the jewish people never have to do physical labor again as long as they live. You aren’t a jew if you don’t actively work toward this goal. All jews do.
>3rd the Donald or patriots isn’t a catch all site for Jew hate.
Well, no. A site run by literal paid jewish shills that bans anyone who tells the truth about jews wouldn’t be, would it?
>Jews are the lug nuts.
Jews are the guy who sold you the car at 13% interest. They’re not part of the car at all. They didn’t build it. They didn’t design it. They didn’t maintain it.
>I understand I’m not a beloved person here but I don’t mean any harm to anyone here
Then wake the fuck up to what jews really are.
>I just want to protect my community
So do we. ***From actual threats.*** Three guesses what the primary threat is.
Only because we don’t like seeing our people led like lambs to slaughter.
> If you don’t like the way it is moderated then feel free to ignore it forever
[Not an argument.](
>I just have different opinions.
Truth is not a matter of opinion.
>If you’re attempting to alleviate threats I do not understand why any time is spent in patriots.
Read literally anything about the history of the jews anywhere on Earth and you’ll understand.
>Your true “enemies” aren’t there
Not among the users, generally. The operating staff, however… Which reminds me; you guys get paid by USAID?
>and all you do is alienate yourself with those that are indifferent.
If they were actually indifferent, they couldn’t alienate anything. You seem worried we’ll take your cultists off their plantation.