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MagnumLife on
23 days ago-1 points(+0/-0/-1Score on mirror)1 child
Wow, you truly are just as (if not more) retarded as others have previoisly said. What a total mouth-breathing neckbearded wanker. Neck yourself, faggot - do us all a favour.
Thanks for proving everything I said about you and your entire ideology. You’re alone. No one here supports you. There are no “others.” You don’t exist for any reason other than physical pleasure. You’re a disgusting, subhuman animal and you’re doing everything jews want you to do. Drink bleach, sophist. You’re not one of us and never will be.
# You have no right to steal my taxes and workforce by causing medical problems for yourself and others.
# You have no right to steal my taxes and workforce by causing medical problems for yourself and others.