1 month ago14 points(+0/-0/+14Score on mirror)2 children
Lovely, but how many illegals is the Trump admin removing each day? Not apprehending, I mean “removing”…
I saw one day Trump’s ICE agents made 500 arrests but I can’t find how many they’ve deported. Seems like they are feeding the public dumb stories like this as a psyop, to make you think record numbers of illegals are being deported when Trump isn’t breaking any records.
Obama deported/removed 1,000+ illegals every day for 8 years straight. I seriously doubt Trump is getting anywhere near that much work done, even though his big promise is mass deportations. If Trump doubled that number to 2,000 a day it still wouldn’t be enough, but at least then I could give him some credit for making good on his promise for mass deportations.
1 month ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)4 children
It's all for show. I have mentioned this before here but unless public sentiment against subhumans changes to how it was it the past nothing will change in the USA or anywhere else for that matter. You could execute them as soon as they were caught and it still wouldn't change because you have traitors in your country. More are coming in than out
Enough young white men are getting disenfranchised by the (((system))) and beginning to question what they were taught in (((public school))) that we may very well see a resurgance in all forms of traditional thought, perhaps even a pendulum swing father to the right than it was before.
I laid out exactly how it could be done successfully in my other comment, traitors or not, it would still work because the fear of prison would be enough to keep most Americans in line. I came up with that plan before Trump’s first term while he was talking about mass deportation and the wall. I wanted a semi peaceful method because I figured media jews would use the crying families to turn public opinion against the deportations, so I came up with that. It would be more peaceful, less costly, and it would still get the job done.
1 month ago9 points(+0/-0/+9Score on mirror)1 child
Lol Yeah and then his next brilliant move was to ship them as deeply into the country as possible just to own the libs, rather than shipping back across the border 10ft away for a fraction of the price. But He SeNt 5 oF tHe iLLeGaLs To MaRtHa’S VinYaRd, so that really Showed the elites what the problem is. What a fuckin joke
1 month ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
The issue is that illegals are hard to remove unless the government is openly hostile to them and refuses them gibs, and that probably wont happen until the remains of the hippie and goyest gen are out of power. Theyve been clinging to power for the past 60 years solely to screw over their own progeny and squander all the wealth on enabling jews and nogs.
Dude, they were going into NYC right off the bat, I’m sure they were going to Chicago anyway, and every other large Democrat city. Did Governor Abbot help more of them get there? Yeah probably. But I’m sure that was part of the plan from the start, to put the illegals in places where the city and state would gladly harbor the illegals, and fight back against ICE if there was ever an attempt to remove them. Martha’s vinyard was the only place that would’ve been concerning to the people that matter, and Abbot didn’t send many there. Abbot should’ve booted them right back across the border when he had the chance, but his goal was to help get them deeper into the nation where he wouldn’t be subject to the anger of republican voters who would pressure him to remove the fuckers.
1 month ago8 points(+0/-0/+8Score on mirror)1 child
I think most of the third world has low key just been sending their criminals to ZOG occupied countries to save on the costs of keeping them in prison or executing them.
1 month ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)3 children
if we really wanted to get rid of the illegals, there’s only a few things we’d have to do, and the illegals would all leave willingly, without a massive forced deportation program.
#1) take away their ability to work by making it a mandatory 10 year stay in federal prison for each business owner who knowingly hires illegals, we’d need a public snitch line to accompany that effort.
#2) cutoff all social programs for anyone who can’t produce a social security number or birth certificate, and severely punish anyone who produces fraudulent documents. Also, warn the noncompliant states they will be cutoff from federal aid if they cater to illegals with state tax dollars.
#3) publicize where the planes and buses are waiting for the illegals to take them home.
IF illegals can’t work or get money for food and housing, they will leave on their own accord, we can even cover uber vouchers to get them to the planes and buses. The reason ZOG won’t ever do it this way is because they want it to be shocking, to tug at the heartstrings while Americans watch these shitskin families being broken up at gunpoint, they want to turn public opinion against deportations. Doing it the way I laid out would be way too effective, cheap and peaceful for the jews likings.
1 month ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
The only way to really solve the problem is to make America racist again. Until we achieve that, your solutions would never even get off the ground and wouldn't work even if they did.
Hell, we don't even need to be racist, we just need to not be afraid of being called "racist."
Don't give Trump credit for this, he's just riding the cultural wave to his advantage. The reason you guys can even have a candidate like this is because your culture is dictating that immigrants need to leave. And that's in no small part happening because of internet keyboard racists waking people up.
We've had a guy in Canada saying "deport em all" for nearly 20 years but he never gets a seat. Today, due to culture war victories, Justin "post-national state" Trudeau is openly saying that too much immigration hurts the country.
Politicians will say whatever they think will get them elected, so make sure they think racism is a winning ticket.
If Trump was serious about stemming the flow of illegals from this point forward, his first move would be to sick the FBI on every NGO and citizen who is funding and organizing these caravans, then he’d have their bank accounts frozen and the leadership thrown in prison for treason. No other domestic NGO’s or citizens would have the balls to try the same shit ever again. For non-citizen billionaires like Soros who is funding this shit, he’d be barred from doing any business in the U.S., and he’d be under arrest if he ever stepped foot in this country ever again…
If Gov did this stuff, we’d all find out real quick just how jewish the illegal immigration problem is.
> IF illegals can’t work or get money for food and housing, they will leave on their own accord
Does nothing for the violent gangster criminals who don’t work and just run drugs + human trafficking. They don’t work for any employers.
> The reason ZOG won’t ever do it this way is because they want it to be shocking, to tug at the heartstrings while Americans watch these shitskin families being broken up at gunpoint
Thats what the democrats try to paint it as. But I’m going to have a hard time believing that the deportations currently ongoing are some massive psy op.
> take away their ability to work by making it a mandatory 10 year stay in federal prison for each business owner who knowingly hires illegals, we’d need a public snitch line to accompany that effort.
We don’t know what the future holds. But physically removing and building a wall is also a valid strategy. Both can result in the removal of illegals, if one method is more efficient than the other doesn’t necessarily mean we’re not really trying to do it.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
They're out there bragging about We did 1,500 today, 80 per C-17 flight, Dr. Phil tagging along with Sec Homen on late night raids...
Consumer rating: very low.
If they're isn't a full scale multi-trillion war on illegals, using all available military personnel transportation assets (land, sea, air) for full-time unmelted pot operations it will soon be overshadowed by something "more important."
Dude we’re only a week in. And they’re targeting the most dangerous spics right now. They’ve said they’re going after the gangsters and rapists first.
Homan goes on TV and says the numbers are going to go drastically up once they’re done with this group.
To safely remove a violent threat, you need to show up with overwhelming force to maximize chances of peaceful surrender or loss of agent life. That means they’re going in with way higher numbers of agents for each violent spic now than they’d need for the non-violent aliens.
> it will soon be overshadowed by something "more important."
I don’t see this happening, border security, and illegal immigrants was one of the main things that Trump campaigned on. Nobody is forgetting about this issue.
I have to say I have been quite surprised and honestly a bit delighted with trumps moves. Though I never actually put my faith in the guy after the election I really only wanted him to win to see the meltdown but regardless it’s quite nice, besides that I mean we’ve all known this but the actual fate of our race is in our hands not trumps but again I’m surprised
I saw one day Trump’s ICE agents made 500 arrests but I can’t find how many they’ve deported. Seems like they are feeding the public dumb stories like this as a psyop, to make you think record numbers of illegals are being deported when Trump isn’t breaking any records.
Obama deported/removed 1,000+ illegals every day for 8 years straight. I seriously doubt Trump is getting anywhere near that much work done, even though his big promise is mass deportations. If Trump doubled that number to 2,000 a day it still wouldn’t be enough, but at least then I could give him some credit for making good on his promise for mass deportations.
I see Dr fucking Phil out here covering ice raids in a positive manner. The Overton window has shifted lol.