2 months ago-2 points(+0/-1/-1Score on mirror)1 child
Never said i was u/#trollge
I'm still 1000% more patriotic for my homeland than you are or will ever be, Jew. And i'm still 100% more German than you will ever be, Polackenschwein.
Germany is not your homeland, India aka jeetland is.
>than you are or will ever be
Not even remotely close to true.
Your masters, yes. You are a literal product of the Kalergi Plan.
>And i'm still 100% more German than you will ever be
No the fuck you aren't. Do you honestly think that when the White nationalists of Germany rise up and start cleansing non-Whites from the country, they'll make an exception for you?
Wew lad, I've got some ***bad*** news for you, jeet.
Stop trying to shapeshift and pretending to speak a language that isn't yours.
>Cry about
LOL and in fact LMAO even. You're literally crying about another user in your OP.
u/DeplorableGerman is a jeet pretending to be White.
Just in case he tries to delete or edit it:
No more shapeshifting for you.
I'm still 1000% more patriotic for my homeland than you are or will ever be, Jew. And i'm still 100% more German than you will ever be, Polackenschwein.
Cry about u/#topkek
Bullshit. Is this you?
>I need no other proof that Indians, as an example, are less than We White Europeans (whom i count myself amongst, pardon the indulgence)
Lying sack of shit.
>I'm still 1000% more patriotic for my homeland
Germany is not your homeland, India aka jeetland is.
>than you are or will ever be
Not even remotely close to true.
Your masters, yes. You are a literal product of the Kalergi Plan.
>And i'm still 100% more German than you will ever be
No the fuck you aren't. Do you honestly think that when the White nationalists of Germany rise up and start cleansing non-Whites from the country, they'll make an exception for you?
Wew lad, I've got some ***bad*** news for you, jeet.
Stop trying to shapeshift and pretending to speak a language that isn't yours.
>Cry about
LOL and in fact LMAO even. You're literally crying about another user in your OP.
Kill yourself, jeet.