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posted 1 month ago by HateSpeechEnthusiast on (+0 / -0 / +69Score on mirror )
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1 month ago -2 points (+0 / -0 / -2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Those filth bands sure did do a lot for White culture. Why lament the good things that are happening (if they're even happening...)? You want the filthy jewy jazzy rock and roll anti-god filth to continue.
devotech2 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Genres are just sounds. That's it. They can accompany an aesthetic and general theme but at the end of the day literally the only thing a genre is is a specific sound.

The lyrical content can be about anything.

I can make whatever genre of music I want pro white and of a positive influence. And there's examples of this.

The only reason why degenerate bands got pushed to the front is because of jews. There's nothing wrong with particular genres by nature at all. Well, mostly, at least.

But I suppose that if it isn't beethovens 9th symphony or a gregorian chant, it's inherently evil and bad and white people are incapable of and/or shouldn't do anything else at all, ever. When in reality a majority of the bands mentioned in op can trace their oldest roots back to shit that Europeans were playing and singing on lyres in taverns 1000 years ago
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Look, if I can't use a sound to praise God, I'm not going to call it inheritability good. All this filth is jewy nigger derived music, jungle rythms and sounds. I don't care how much it hurts that the music you consumed is anti-christ in nature. I liked plenty of it but I don't try to lie about what it's origins and intents are and were; seperation of man from what he was put on earth for.
devotech2 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
What exactly is stopping me from creating a death metal song, for instance, that praises God? Nothing

These genres of music effectively evolved from European tavern music.

Bards strum on lyres > spain invents guitar > spain brings guitar to Americas > white people create country music > rock is created from country > white people elextrify guitar > rock spreads around the world because radio > it turns into its various descendants > some are abject pieces of art and some are pure dogshit > jews end up controlling record labels so they choose who to make popular or not

Rock also isn't a genre made by niggers. Hank Williams Sr was the person that invented it. He was white as all get out and made plenty of songs praising God.

Not all music has to be sang by a choir or created by an orchestra and indeed, in its time, classical was only high class music that the wealthy could afford to access. Most people went their whole lives without ever hearing it. It's some of the greatest music ever created no doubt about it but your average layman was a lot more likely to be listening to the drunk guy at the tavern doing his eras equivalent of "wonderwall" on a lyre on any sort of regular basis.
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Do it. I'm sure you'll find out that not all gifts to God are accepted. Cain sure did.
devotech2 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -1 / +1Score on mirror )
There is a band of actual ordained Russian orthodox priests that play black metal that praises God. I think they'd know if music were evil or not. Or theyre not priests, its hard to say, they out putin as a jew though so i doubt theyre going to go public with their identity (Batyushka. Not batushka. Big difference. There's like 3 bands with the same name but only one is made up of possible priests)

You sound like a Muslim.

Music is a neutral ground. The lyrical content of said music is what is in question. Cain wasn't rejected because his offering was bad, he was rejected because he offered it in bad faith. Key difference. If Cain had offered his lamb in good faith, Cain and Abel's sacrifices would both be accepted. But Cain had no goodness to begin with, and God knew this. By your logic, every animal sacrifice that the ancient israelites offered was inherently bad and every one of them went to hell if they sacrificed animals, which most of them did.

Your average evangelical megachurch that sings choral hymns and gospel while preaching at the same time about how God's chosen people deserve 6 trillion dollars every year and how jews are better than Christians, is a lot more likely to have their offering rejected than, say, the band I mentioned earlier.
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