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devotech2 on
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)
I fully agree that it's not happening. Just saying that if trump were actually a man of his word and a "libertarian", he would pardon Snowden because treason against an unfair government on behalf of the rights of Americans should be considered by the supposed "patriotic libertarian opposition" to be an act of patriotism.
As an employee of a government institution you have the complete authority to *not obey* unconstitutional or unlawful orders from a superior. What the NSA ordered him to do was unconstituonal and unlawful. Therefore, again, if trump is a man of his word and a "true patriot", he will pardon him.
As an employee of a government institution you have the complete authority to *not obey* unconstitutional or unlawful orders from a superior. What the NSA ordered him to do was unconstituonal and unlawful. Therefore, again, if trump is a man of his word and a "true patriot", he will pardon him.