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devotech2 on
1 month ago3 points(+1/-0/+2Score on mirror)3 children
Thanks Blorgnald Zogmpf for pardoning a fucking narco. "OH but el chapo got a worse sentence". Non sequitur. Neither of them should be free. Drug traffickers should die. He directly aided and facilitated drug trafficking for years.
The problem with the war on drugs isn't the fact that it's a war on drugs. The problem is that it mainly targets *users* instead of *traffickers*. That and it's fake. This dude got himself caught in the crossfires by trying to be fucking Heisenberg. Ask south Korea in the 1960s how their war on drugs went, and it went markedly better than in America, because the ROK just killed all the drug traffickers in the country.
Now pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Been waiting on that one for a minute there.
1 month ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)4 children
I have mixed opinions on this Ross Ulbricht character.
On one talon, life in a federal prison sounds like a long sentence for creating a website, but...
On the other talon, Ross enabled drug dealers and drug consoomers when he made that website, and at least one consoomer, who was not a consoomer before that website was created, died from an overdose, an overdose on drugs he consoomed from that website.
Once I realized that Ross basically poisoned a bunch of people and turned them into junkies with his website, it is harder to feel bad for him, even If he did it indirectly.
I get the sentiment, but the problem is it causes all kinds of other serious issues until they do OD, and sometimes even generational problems if they have young children they leave behind. It’s all so fucking tiresome.
Ross is a retard, objectively, regardless of what one might think of him. He publicly advertised his website using his own name and personal email. In my opinion, it's telling that this kind of person would be the one that makes a website like this.
Its telling that "conservatives" are defending a *narco* and facilitator of drug trafficking. Based on nothing else other than "his mom is sad that he got arrested" and "well el chapo got a lighter sentence" and "muh libertarian free market". If biden had freed him instead they'd be going ape shit. It's bread and circuses and nobody has an actual compass.
Adressing these points: Well, first off, it's a fucking non sequitur as I mentioned earlier. The fact that it's not fair in comparison to el chapo *doesn't mean he should be free*. Secondly, el chapo got life in prison plus 30 years by the Supreme Court. Ross Ulbricht got life in prison twice. They received effectively the same sentence. It doesnt matter. I could sentence someone to life in prison 6 quadrillion times and its the exact same sentence when compared to El Chapo's singular life sentence. The only reason this happened is because ulbricht has a chance at appeal. El chapo sure as all hell does not. No conviction against El Chapo is ever going to be overturned lol. *Mexico* sentenced him to less time in prison than Ulbricht, true, but Mexico isn't the United states so this doesn't fucking matter at all. I won't even address the third point, lolbertarians are afflicted with an infantile disorder.
> The problem is that it mainly targets users instead of traffickers.
This works, if the punishments are harsh enough. See e.g. China, where the punishment is death. Right next door is Russia, which is rotting from the inside from (((American))) drugs (not hyperbole - ask if curious).
Targeting traffickers is just more efficient. South Korea was able to completely solve its rampant drug issue within just few years of Park Chung Hees presidency by shooting for the head. He punished users too but didn't specifically target them.
There's less traffickers than users, they're easier to find than users, and they're the root of the problem. It's a no brainer. But the Cia distributes drugs purposefully, therefore the drug crisis will never be solved in america
That's not going to happen because those two (Snowden in particular was American, so for him it was Treason) provided aid to an enemy which is one of the highest punishable crimes in US law.
I fully agree that it's not happening. Just saying that if trump were actually a man of his word and a "libertarian", he would pardon Snowden because treason against an unfair government on behalf of the rights of Americans should be considered by the supposed "patriotic libertarian opposition" to be an act of patriotism.
As an employee of a government institution you have the complete authority to *not obey* unconstitutional or unlawful orders from a superior. What the NSA ordered him to do was unconstituonal and unlawful. Therefore, again, if trump is a man of his word and a "true patriot", he will pardon him.
The problem with the war on drugs isn't the fact that it's a war on drugs. The problem is that it mainly targets *users* instead of *traffickers*. That and it's fake. This dude got himself caught in the crossfires by trying to be fucking Heisenberg. Ask south Korea in the 1960s how their war on drugs went, and it went markedly better than in America, because the ROK just killed all the drug traffickers in the country.
Now pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Been waiting on that one for a minute there.
On one talon, life in a federal prison sounds like a long sentence for creating a website, but...
On the other talon, Ross enabled drug dealers and drug consoomers when he made that website, and at least one consoomer, who was not a consoomer before that website was created, died from an overdose, an overdose on drugs he consoomed from that website.
Once I realized that Ross basically poisoned a bunch of people and turned them into junkies with his website, it is harder to feel bad for him, even If he did it indirectly.
How would you feel if a friend or lived one became a deranged junkie because of drug dealers?
How would you feel if, say, your father overdosed?
Its telling that "conservatives" are defending a *narco* and facilitator of drug trafficking. Based on nothing else other than "his mom is sad that he got arrested" and "well el chapo got a lighter sentence" and "muh libertarian free market". If biden had freed him instead they'd be going ape shit. It's bread and circuses and nobody has an actual compass.
Adressing these points: Well, first off, it's a fucking non sequitur as I mentioned earlier. The fact that it's not fair in comparison to el chapo *doesn't mean he should be free*. Secondly, el chapo got life in prison plus 30 years by the Supreme Court. Ross Ulbricht got life in prison twice. They received effectively the same sentence. It doesnt matter. I could sentence someone to life in prison 6 quadrillion times and its the exact same sentence when compared to El Chapo's singular life sentence. The only reason this happened is because ulbricht has a chance at appeal. El chapo sure as all hell does not. No conviction against El Chapo is ever going to be overturned lol. *Mexico* sentenced him to less time in prison than Ulbricht, true, but Mexico isn't the United states so this doesn't fucking matter at all. I won't even address the third point, lolbertarians are afflicted with an infantile disorder.
Its just an excuse to fight true free trade imo
In part i would agree to it if it wasnt that psychos are in control lol
In part now with lots of muslims trying to get AKs it would be truly worrying eheh.
This works, if the punishments are harsh enough. See e.g. China, where the punishment is death. Right next door is Russia, which is rotting from the inside from (((American))) drugs (not hyperbole - ask if curious).
There's less traffickers than users, they're easier to find than users, and they're the root of the problem. It's a no brainer. But the Cia distributes drugs purposefully, therefore the drug crisis will never be solved in america
As an employee of a government institution you have the complete authority to *not obey* unconstitutional or unlawful orders from a superior. What the NSA ordered him to do was unconstituonal and unlawful. Therefore, again, if trump is a man of his word and a "true patriot", he will pardon him.