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Regardless of whether it's conscious or subconscious, and regardless of whether it is politically correct to do so, everyone will judge you based off of how you present yourself and your physical appearance. There's just no way around it.

If you want to jewpill your friends and be taken seriously, look the part. They're more likely to listen to someone who takes care of themselves and is eloquent about what they say, than someone who is not. It is what it is

Point 1: if you are dressed slovenly and look like a midnight Walmart customer, people will silently judge you. Even if they themselves look like this. Have an actual style, regardless of what it is. Make your physical wear look put together and neat. The NSDAP and SS were helped significantly because they had Hugo Boss designing their suits and they looked cool as fuck. It's propaganda.

Point 2: if you're fat, eat less and go to the gym. If you look like you came from a POW camp, eat more and go to the gym. Self explanatory. Your opinion immediately holds less weight if you are physically incapable.

Point 3: if you have a patchy beard, shave it off. Don't look like a fucking redditor. This is the biggest faux pas on the planet today. I say this as someone who grows about as much facial hair as an *elf*. I don't even grow a patchy one (a vast majority of east asians are capable of growing more facial hair than myself). So no elitism here. If you have a bad jawline and a patchy beard, your patchy beard makes it worse. It always will. No matter what. If you have a good jawline and a patchy beard, youre doing a disservice to yourself. Not everyone is blessed with facial hair, not even aryans. Conversely, if you have good facial hair and a bad chin, grow it out. If you have both, you have the right to choose.

Point 4: don't immediately start sperging out and going on tirades about jews. Propagandize whoever you wish to "convert" first. Slip in subtleties and then start learning them the big picture. This has been a tried and true method of mine for a long time. It has worked wonders. Friends, family, colleagues, etc. If they have a view that's slightly dissenting, expound upon that slowly. The jews poisoned the minds of our people with subtlety. The antidote is also subtlety.

Point 5: be in a relationship with someone who themself presents what you speak about. Even if you have all of the above points ironed out, if you are married to or are dating a hippopotamus, and people find out, nobody will take you seriously because you'll be the guy with the fat ugly girlfriend.

Point 6: you can overcome legitimate physical unattractiveness and have people take you seriously if you follow the tenants above. Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels most famously among the NSDAP were by no stretch of the imagination remotely physically attractive. They just weren't. It's okay. Goebbels was also a manlet with physical ailments. But regardless, they (mainly goebbels) were still extremely charismatic and respected men anyways because they knew how to carry themselves *very proficiently*. If goebbels wore gym clothes to the podium every day I don't think people would give half a fuck what he had to say.

Everyone focuses on the "superficial" because they are inherently becoming of both good genetics and good intelligence. It's a proven fact. Even if they dont realize they are doing it, and society doesnt deem it "appropriate", and if they themselves are hypocrites. Act upon this, don't shun it.

Presentation is a big key to why Hitler gained power. The brownshirts looked good. They didn't look like slovenly wretches like the KPD.
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ApexVeritas on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
> If you want to jewpill your friends and be taken seriously, look the part. They're more likely to listen to someone who takes care of themselves and is eloquent about what they say, than someone who is not. It is what it is

I would add another point:

If you want people to listen to you, engender yourself to them. The modern form of "friendship" and "family" has become wholly meaningless to modern "culture". Friendship and family necessarily requires love, and love in turn requires acts. Love isn't some amorphous hippy feeling, it's displayed in our actions. If you love someone, but never do them a favor, never forgive them, never enjoy their company, you don't love them. They're just a name and a face that you know.

The more you do for others, the more they will love, respect, and listen to you. I've made strong inroads in my own family by just abiding by God's commandments, to love our neighbors, our family, and people. Even though my kindness has been taken advantage of a great deal throughout my life, I still find great joy in giving, even in small favors and aiding in daily tasks. These things build up over time, and are what build homes and nations. You can't jump to the end, expecting people to believe your every word, if you weren't there for them before. You must walk the path before enjoying the destination, sow the seed before reaping the harvest.
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