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No. Elon is not so fuggin baste for doing an autistic lie of a Roman salute. He did it to trick us into thinking that miga is so based and sooper dooper cuul. And it’s working. Shameful.
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derkevevin on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>Elon is not so fuggin baste for doing an autistic lie of a Roman salute.

100% he is a jew retard. I mean I think that roman was fucking solid 😂 But yeah, still not based and still a jew retard though.

>He did it to trick us into thinking that miga is so based and sooper dooper cuul.

Nah, I think he actually did it on accident, might be autistic u/#topkek
Especially seeing how he tries to recover and defuse his gestures after realizing u/#topkek
SSAnon1488 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
You’re probably right, but you never know these days.
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