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No. Elon is not so fuggin baste for doing an autistic lie of a Roman salute. He did it to trick us into thinking that miga is so based and sooper dooper cuul. And it’s working. Shameful.
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Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
I agree.

Just the fact that these Republican puppets now need to appease WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONAL SOCIALISTS means that we have really been winning the culture war the last 5 years and so many American people are NOTICING.

10 years ago, neither political party even considered us a large enough faction to even pretend to try to appease us. They simply ignored us or mocked us as a fringe group. Now they larp and shill for our support, meaning they can't ignore us anymore.

Elon Musk is a nerd. A dork. He always was. He isn't cool. He wants attention and praise, just like Trump. It is a drug for them. They seek affirmation through others like women taking selfies with duck lips on instagram.
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
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