Every baltic person I meet on the internet has some form of psychopathic tendencies and fucked up ideas. They are also all into esoteric shit like paganism, mysticism, and sperg fantasy hobbies.
as someone with an estonian friend who would probably fit in here, he is probably an exception to the rule but i see where the general idea comes from. the baltics got raped hard by the soviets so they invented cope methods
Yep, can confirm. All I do is pondering fucked up ideas about getting rid of all the kikes in a psychopathic manner, so they don't rebuild the Third Temple.
I've noticed this tends to happen to some post-communist countries as well. Many of them don't learn their lesson despite having lived through and surviving it.
Because the JewSSR occupied them and one of the tricks of the jews to destroy Traditionalist Christianity (the *only* organized counter-satanic movement that could stand against them) when they cant replace it with Goytestantism is to promote watered down forms of esotericism and paganism that are completely tootheless in the same way goytestantism is.