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Is this correct? (
posted 1 month ago by FuckMcNuggets on (+0 / -0 / +24Score on mirror )
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PurestEvil on
1 month ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
And remember, those who got incarcerated were not innocent. They were a mix of these things:

- Communists, who had a recent history of starting a coup, spreading lies, manipulating people, committing terrorism
- Homosexuals
- Leftists who spread degeneracy in academia and media, namely homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia
- Human traffickers and pimps who went after young German women to be used as sex slaves
- Bankers and moneylenders who perpetuated usury, which contributed to leading to a Weimar era hyperinflation, which ruined people's lives and made women and girls prostitute themselves, also creating child prostitutes
- Violent communists (Antifa) who committed terrorism and oppressed ideological-political opposition
- Criminals running fraud schemes
- Those notorious for stealing, robbery and selling stolen goods

After all these were put into camps, Germany miraculously recovered. And oh wonder, most of them were jews. What a coincidence. Well, plenty of National Socialists knew it would be the case, so they were proven right about the jewish problem.

If we'd incarcerate the same list of people, it would be filled with jews again. Plus a good amount of non-Whites.
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Well said and perfect supplementary information to my comment.
This is the kind of education many of us wish we had back in school, in a more sane world.
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