every source i seem to find online tells the typical bullshit story from the viewpoint of the "oppressed, innocent" nigger and i already fucking know theres no way in hell thats what actually happened, so i wanna know what actually happened
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CornpopsWorkboots on scored.co
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)
there was once a long video online that talked about how awful this neighborhood became after the mooncrickets moved in, and what really caused the riots. its obv not the "official" story. also, in school theyre calling this an "uprising" LOL the area is still decimated. whites will NEVER move back in. theyre fucked forever. this is one of the main reasons why east Cleveland is the poorest region in the nation now. its basically Zimbabwe.
another thing that was included in this video i can no longer find was that they talked in detail about the racially motivated nigger riot known as the "Glennville shootout" that happened around the same time. these two incidents really heaped dirt on the already nailed shut coffin of East Cleveland.
another thing that was included in this video i can no longer find was that they talked in detail about the racially motivated nigger riot known as the "Glennville shootout" that happened around the same time. these two incidents really heaped dirt on the already nailed shut coffin of East Cleveland.