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every source i seem to find online tells the typical bullshit story from the viewpoint of the "oppressed, innocent" nigger and i already fucking know theres no way in hell thats what actually happened, so i wanna know what actually happened
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1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
u/TallestSkil u/devotech2 u/ScipioAfricanus1911 u/ApexVeritas
You gentlemen have anything on this?
1 month ago 3 points (+1 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 2 children
>**The Seventy-Niner's Café[22] was a Jewish-owned bar** located on the southeast corner of E. 79th Street and Hough Avenue, and popular with African American residents of the community.[23] **Seventy-Niner's suffered from a number of problems, including drug dealing, the sale of stolen goods, and prostitution,[24] and the owners had begun barring certain individuals from the establishment.[22][c]** Local sex workers Margaret Sullivan and her friend, Louise (an African American),[23] were among those who had been banned.[28] Sullivan died on July 16, leaving three young children. On July 17, Louise attempted to leave a box at the bar so patrons could donate money for the care of Sullivan's children. The owners refused to permit the collection. Louise returned about 5 PM on Monday, July 18. **The owners argued with her, allegedly using defamatory and racist language**, and she was thrown out.[22][28][d] A short while later, another racially charged incident occurred, although the exact details are unclear. In one account, one of the bar owners denied water to an African American man who had entered the bar, and then **posted a sign on the door which read "No Water for Niggers".[29]** In another account, an African American man purchased a bottle of liquor in the bar, and then requested a cup of ice.[e] One of the owners denied his request, and then posted a sign on the door which read "No water for niggers".[23] In a third account, an African American man entered the bar and asked for a glass of water. One of the owners denied his request and told a waitress that there was "no water for niggers". This co-owner then posted a sign on the door which read "No Ice Water".[31] In an interview with The Plain Dealer newspaper, the Feigenbaums denied being present at the bar during the incident, and denied that one of their employees had denied a man water.[30]
1 month ago 4 points (+1 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
Thanks for proving it's every. Single. Time.
>eventy-Niner's suffered from a number of problems, including drug dealing, the sale of stolen goods, and prostitution,and the owners had begun barring certain individuals from the establishment.
Every jew-run hovel is always a wretched hive of villainy and scum. Debauchery and degeneracy.
It's no wonder then, that the nigger- a very base creature- Is attracted to it.
derjudenjager on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
now do the detroit race riots
CornpopsWorkboots on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
lolz. the official story theyre giving us in school is that one day, for no reason whatsoever, a mean old racist white man bar owner declined to give a poor helpless innocent black man a glass of water, and then for no reason whatsoever decided to post a sign on his bar that said "no water for niggers". for no reason whatsoever besides DEY BE DOIN DAT RAYCISM ON ME
CornpopsWorkboots on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
there was once a long video online that talked about how awful this neighborhood became after the mooncrickets moved in, and what really caused the riots. its obv not the "official" story. also, in school theyre calling this an "uprising" LOL the area is still decimated. whites will NEVER move back in. theyre fucked forever. this is one of the main reasons why east Cleveland is the poorest region in the nation now. its basically Zimbabwe.

another thing that was included in this video i can no longer find was that they talked in detail about the racially motivated nigger riot known as the "Glennville shootout" that happened around the same time. these two incidents really heaped dirt on the already nailed shut coffin of East Cleveland.
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