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DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)1 child
Thats a lot to unpack; Does this leave room for calling out and acting against obviously-Godless rulers? Or is this a case of "a lesser sin, run to God after committing it"?
I think it's a very clear conditional contract. Their end of the bargain, as a leader, is to be sheltering, protecting, and guiding their subjects to a better and holier life. Our end of the bargain is to obey them and follow them. When they are failing completely to uphold their end of the bargain, and in fact doing the exact opposite of that, we are no longer called to obey them and should likewise do the opposite of obeying them. Clearly, when our rulers are all nothing but satanic blood-drinking pedophiles, it's a reasonable assumption to believe that they are *not* God's servants put there for our good.