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BlueDrache on
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
> Schizophrenia is daemon-possession and -oppression, You Cannot Change My View.
No objection here. All you have to do is look who the approved physicians are, and who owns the hospitals ... modern medicine feeds the beast and those I mentioned rub their hands in its service.
1 month ago-1 points(+0/-0/-1Score on mirror)2 children
Someone explained daemons to me recently in a comment, i can't remember if it was you. Something about them being like echoes or manifestations or lingering evil spirits but not fallen Angels. And that they must be invited, or need a door, some In. And that you can most often tell by the faces and physical deformities in the case of generation curses.
The sheer amount of spiritual knowledge that has been hidden from us is staggering.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-1/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Demon possession isn't a letting in. Its not an external entity. It is you. You are the demon. You are the angel. You are the man. The difference is awareness and control.
The man is weak. He is impulsive. He struggles with both good and bad and fails himself regularly for short term gain. He also does great things without a great incentive.
An angel has seen that weakness, and understood the consequences of his actions, and decided to control his state of being and desires to maximize benefit for himself and others, seeing past the short term impulsive feel good gain to the true repercussions, both good and bad, of our every decision.
The demon is the weak man who purposefully denies this awareness, and to justify his own impulsive choices defends it as the true path of enlightenment. "Nothing is bad in fact doing bad is good because nihilism etc". He has run away from his own guilt and shame so deeply that the only place to hide is the inversion of his own mind. He has made the demon the angel and embraced it. But it is all him. It is all you.
But surely there are also very literal, or rather, actual spiritual entities? Things we cannot physically see in the kósmos yet exist in form in their own plane of existence. Or am i fictionalizing things?
I would say quite possibly, but I don't not think those things are "good" or "bad" or have the ability to "possess" us. I think they may be beneficial or detrimental to us from our perception, just like arsenic would be, but not consciously malicious.
No objection here. All you have to do is look who the approved physicians are, and who owns the hospitals ... modern medicine feeds the beast and those I mentioned rub their hands in its service.
The sheer amount of spiritual knowledge that has been hidden from us is staggering.
Godspeed, bröther, i göt öäts to eät.
The man is weak. He is impulsive. He struggles with both good and bad and fails himself regularly for short term gain. He also does great things without a great incentive.
An angel has seen that weakness, and understood the consequences of his actions, and decided to control his state of being and desires to maximize benefit for himself and others, seeing past the short term impulsive feel good gain to the true repercussions, both good and bad, of our every decision.
The demon is the weak man who purposefully denies this awareness, and to justify his own impulsive choices defends it as the true path of enlightenment. "Nothing is bad in fact doing bad is good because nihilism etc". He has run away from his own guilt and shame so deeply that the only place to hide is the inversion of his own mind. He has made the demon the angel and embraced it. But it is all him. It is all you.
Mankind's evil comes from man.