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BlueDrache on
2 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
> Schizophrenia is daemon-possession and -oppression, You Cannot Change My View.
No objection here. All you have to do is look who the approved physicians are, and who owns the hospitals ... modern medicine feeds the beast and those I mentioned rub their hands in its service.
Someone explained daemons to me recently in a comment, i can't remember if it was you. Something about them being like echoes or manifestations or lingering evil spirits but not fallen Angels. And that they must be invited, or need a door, some In. And that you can most often tell by the faces and physical deformities in the case of generation curses.
The sheer amount of spiritual knowledge that has been hidden from us is staggering.
No objection here. All you have to do is look who the approved physicians are, and who owns the hospitals ... modern medicine feeds the beast and those I mentioned rub their hands in its service.
The sheer amount of spiritual knowledge that has been hidden from us is staggering.
Godspeed, bröther, i göt öäts to eät.