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1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Incidentally, it would be a very different story today with jew-noticing allowed, were it not for that coup that happened with the first version of TheDonald/PDW that was created not long after they were banned from reddit. (((Someone))) got to the original owner and forced him to SHUT IT DOWN. Then this newer, gayer, jew-controlled version we're currently on popped up.
The coup was jews taking over.
Trying to put in the original in the address bar gives you this page:
Makes you think. 🤔
Of course I am sure that u/C and his buddies would have us believe otherwise, but we already know the truth.
1 month ago2 points(+1/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
'Member when after the 2020 election they told us that if the site forced you to log back in at any point while you were already logged in that it meant the site was compromised, and not only did that happen but the name changed shortly thereafter? I 'member.
I remembered it that way very well too, but sometimes I wondered if I was mandela effect'd and completely missing the boat. Glad to know I remembered it correctly, then.
The coup was jews taking over.
Trying to put in the original in the address bar gives you this page:
Makes you think. 🤔
Of course I am sure that u/C and his buddies would have us believe otherwise, but we already know the truth.
Can't have shit with jews around.