When the mods are opposed to the majority of the community, they should resign or be removed. The community has made itself clear about where it stands. The "gateway" to this topic there was Ukraine. All the constant money that was being funneled there allowed others (maybe like myself) to start spotlighting how the same has been quietly done for Israhell over the decades. That's how the issue gained new momentum.
1 month ago9 points(+1/-0/+8Score on mirror)2 children
What I noticed is that jew lover comments get downvoted into oblivion, anti-jew (meaning criticism and noticing) get upvoted a lot and then deleted.
This clearly means that they actively suppress anything negative about jews, and that there is a divide between mods and the user base. It's a tiny minority who sides with jews and therefore pro censorship.
This was my experience there too. I could get 500 to 1,200 upvotes on a post, then it gets deleted. I would always confront the mods about it.
> "Okay, you can delete my post. But then what about the 1,200 Patriots here who stand with me? What are you going to do about them? There's more of us than there are of you, faggots. We run this forum. This is our space. We're the real voice of MAGA."
As I've mentioned, Zionism loses 1/3 of their support with every generation after Boomers. The ADL has mentioned it openly and they're scared. They're at an all-time low and Mitt Romney has admitted that banning TikTok is largely based on their allowing people to Notice there.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Incidentally, it would be a very different story today with jew-noticing allowed, were it not for that coup that happened with the first version of TheDonald/PDW that was created not long after they were banned from reddit. (((Someone))) got to the original owner and forced him to SHUT IT DOWN. Then this newer, gayer, jew-controlled version we're currently on popped up.
The coup was jews taking over.
Trying to put in the original TheDonald.win in the address bar gives you this page:
Makes you think. 🤔
Of course I am sure that u/C and his buddies would have us believe otherwise, but we already know the truth.
1 month ago2 points(+1/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
'Member when after the 2020 election they told us that if the site forced you to log back in at any point while you were already logged in that it meant the site was compromised, and not only did that happen but the name changed shortly thereafter? I 'member.
I remembered it that way very well too, but sometimes I wondered if I was mandela effect'd and completely missing the boat. Glad to know I remembered it correctly, then.
1 month ago8 points(+1/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
There is a 50/50 split of Trump supporters. They’re either the Miga type people so the typical conservative who conserves nothing, and the other 50 percent which is actual white nationalists and patriots of the country. So they support any sort of right wing populist movement that they believe will help fix the country or if not at least some sort of baby step towards the right place
1 month ago5 points(+1/-0/+4Score on mirror)2 children
u/Grover70 is another fool over there who thinks the satanic anti-Christ lying inbred racist pervert hypocrite fraud jews are his fucking chosens peoples
It's kind of sad that people like this were brainwashed to believe they are a kikes servant class and, even when shown evidence that they are ruled by deceptive racist hateful kikes, he thinks these pervert babylonian talmud worshipers are his greatest allies
They know there is some kind of mysterious uniparty globalist force persuading both political parties. They are smart enough to sense that neither political party actually represents them.. but when you give them the easy answer, which makes all of modern history finally make sense, they have the indoctrinated impulsive emotional response that you expect a heavily brainwashed person to have.
I think that u/Grover70 and others will eventually realize the globalists were Actually just Jews. All the evidence is on our side. But it will be 10 years from now or when it is too late. Some people never accept truth until it is safe enough or there is a large enough consensus. But since jews control the media, there will be no consensus until we find ways to circumvent the jews' monopoly on the dissemination of information
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
Alright, I'm gonna borrow a quick page from u/TallestSkil 's book.
>Nope, your kind is Wokeists.
Nope. "Woke" is literally jewish. Everything woke was created by jews. Thanks for admitting you support jews and White genocide.
>My point is that any country in the world would respond back to a massacre of hundreds of its citizens.
Oh really? So Whites should be able to respond in kind to the millions of White Christians killed in the Holodomor by jewish communists? Oh, how about the Dresden bombings? Should we be able to repay jews in kind for that? Or how about every atrocity they've currently committed in White nations?
If not, then thanks again for admitting you fully support White genocide.
>I mean radical Islamic terrorist supporters
And? We hate sandniggers here too and basically anyone that isn't ***White***. Thanks for admitting you support radical jewish terrorists and White genocide.
>and leftists.
Which is jewish and everything we hate. We are Third Position, neither left, nor right, nor center/centrist. The left-right political spectrum is a jewish trap and we are far removed from all three of you retards.
Try the ever-living fuck again, sophist.
>Go back to Reddit.
Which is own, ran and created by jews. No.
>Israel is our best ally in the ME
They're such an "ally" that they bombed the USS Liberty and strafed the survivors in the water?
>Israel would be the winner in that case with cut off support as they’d have free reign to do what they want
You mean like rape children, which they do on a daily basis?
They're such an "ally" that they chamber their domestic weapons to use Chinese PLA calibers rather than NATO munitions?
They're such an "ally" that they've leaked top secret American radar tech to the Chinese on more than a few occasions?
They're such an "ally" that they're not allowed to have that F-35 Lightning because the Joint Chiefs themselves cited how they always "leak" our best tech to China?
It's deliberately divided within the conservative team by design. All the confusion as to who and what Donald serves. Many see through it and others think it's 7D chess because they cannot fathom no hero in any of this so they cling to trump no matter what. Vax daddy.