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Criticallythinking on
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)1 child
Lmfao fuck the catholica and the talmud followers .. don't you idiots see how much I have put down the talmud and yet you still try to insult me...
Lmfao you are so filled with hate you can't see that I agree with you about rabbinical jews.. all talmud followers are evil. Catholics you know the pope just said it was okay to have faggot priest. So I guess you are defending faggot priest .. lmfao..
Your homosexuality is showing faggot. You defend the pope. Who has people who actually try to follow the Bible's words fired and silenced. Catholics and talmud following jews are twi heads of the same snake..
Lmfao 😂 Nicolaitanes are the synongauge of satan and so are anybody who follows the babylonian talmud...
Unless you insult Jesus you really aren't going to get under my skin...
The current pope is also a crypto jew, sent by the jews specifically to sabotage the Church from the inside. Which shows you how much the demon jews hate it. Anybody they/you hate is clearly doing something right, and on the right track. Seethe harder, rabbi.
Lmfao pope's and jews are the same synagogue of satan i just said that you stupid fuck... lmfao it's been that way for 100s of years now since king James.. lmfao..
Lmfao you are so filled with hate you can't see that I agree with you about rabbinical jews.. all talmud followers are evil. Catholics you know the pope just said it was okay to have faggot priest. So I guess you are defending faggot priest .. lmfao..
Your homosexuality is showing faggot. You defend the pope. Who has people who actually try to follow the Bible's words fired and silenced. Catholics and talmud following jews are twi heads of the same snake..
Lmfao 😂 Nicolaitanes are the synongauge of satan and so are anybody who follows the babylonian talmud...
Unless you insult Jesus you really aren't going to get under my skin...
Reading compression is very weak here.