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Kikes are coping (
posted 1 month ago by FuckMcNuggets on (+0 / -0 / +59Score on mirror )
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1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 2 children
As Alfred Rosenberg said; jews created the talmud, not the other way around. Going back to pre-talmud judaism really isn't all that much of an improvement. The kike element can be seen in the jewish people all the way back in the book of *Genesis*. It's not like the kikes suddenly appeared out of thin air with the advent of the talmud.

>The whole chapter of Revelation 2 explains Nicolaitanes (roman catholics) and fake jews are the synagogue of satan..

You know, the Christian denomination that jews single out the most is Catholics. Your nose is showing, rabbi.
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Lmfao fuck the catholica and the talmud followers .. don't you idiots see how much I have put down the talmud and yet you still try to insult me...
Lmfao you are so filled with hate you can't see that I agree with you about rabbinical jews.. all talmud followers are evil. Catholics you know the pope just said it was okay to have faggot priest. So I guess you are defending faggot priest .. lmfao..

Your homosexuality is showing faggot. You defend the pope. Who has people who actually try to follow the Bible's words fired and silenced. Catholics and talmud following jews are twi heads of the same snake..

Lmfao 😂 Nicolaitanes are the synongauge of satan and so are anybody who follows the babylonian talmud...

Unless you insult Jesus you really aren't going to get under my skin...

Reading compression is very weak here.
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
The current pope is also a crypto jew, sent by the jews specifically to sabotage the Church from the inside. Which shows you how much the demon jews hate it. Anybody they/you hate is clearly doing something right, and on the right track. Seethe harder, rabbi.
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Lmfao pope's and jews are the same synagogue of satan i just said that you stupid fuck... lmfao it's been that way for 100s of years now since king James.. lmfao..
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Cannonites created the talmud by the way. Fake khazarians pretend to be jews. Hence why all our money has been going to khazaria (ukraine) and isfake. Hence what Ho harris wanted to keep Bidens primary Jewish cabinet..

I have zero respect for isfake. But sure type the word kike more and more that will prove your point.

You will not offend me at all.

Like I told the other one here check out my x account.. showers in Ashley and you will see pro Hitler anti jew information all over it check out my Patriots. win amd you will see anti rabbinic jew. Post daily...

At this point you are comical at best because your ignorance blinds you.

Like your other buddy here that named himself vlad the impaler after an amalekite jew while calling people kikes he honors them with his username..

You idiots need to read the whole Bible and real history . Not the fake history of their being jew ovens.

Hitler was too lenient. He didn't really kill that many jews they died of tiphus..

I still standing that all rabbinical jews need to be in their own place and away from the rest of the world or exterminated..

What would make me happy is if the entire middle east nuked it's self in to oblivion and maybe Elon could film it from space so we can watch the Muslims and jews kill each other instead of trying to get white people to fight and die for them in their wars.
1 month ago -2 points (+0 / -0 / -2Score on mirror ) 2 children
I'm not trying to offend you. You are a jew, that much is obvious by your mannerisms alone, and I care not for your opinion. I am merely stating the facts for the innocent passersby to see. You clearly failed to grasp my point that it is *not* merely rabbinic jews who are the problem, it is *all* jews. Because the problem does not lie in whatever "holy books" a jew subscribes to, the problem lies in their *ethnicity*, in their genes, which means it is entirely incorrigible. Shills like you (the so-called "anti-zionist jews") are rolled out in droves by the kikes running the show when the heat starts to turn up; anybody touting the "not *all* jews..." line is a dead giveaway. Offload the blame onto the khazarians (theory was first invented by a jew, btw), the zionists, the talmudists, anything but *all* jews themselves. And nobody's taking saps like you seriously anymore. Leftists extremists are too blinded by their identity politics (ironically) and Rightist extremists are wise to the game. As much as you claim to dislike the talmudist jews, you're stupid to go against them. When they go, you're going with them.
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
You sound like a niqqer..

Id rather be 3/4 white and 1/4 jew

Than a niqqer like you .

Your mannerisms show that clearly.
1 month ago -2 points (+0 / -0 / -2Score on mirror ) 2 children
You aren't White at all. You are an inbred, dysgenic, schizophrenic kike. And your genetics will always prevent you from hiding that; it is blatantly obvious for all to see. You will never be able to talk your way out of that one.
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
How much food stamps do you get a month niqqer
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
More niqqer talk
Criticallythinking on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Yup the bible lies for the benefit of the jew. The problem is niqqers don't have good reading comprehension..

Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 is a lie then according to you.

Revelation 2:5
Nicolaitans is a lie according to you
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