I have on seldom occasion met a Christian who I agree with at any significant theological level. Any in depth conversation with these people nearly always ends with them calling me a Satanist.. in so many words. "I'm leading people from God, I'm making things too complicated, I'm ignorant, stupid, heretical."
Simply because I maintain that a Christian's foremost duty is to abstain as much as possible from sinful behavior. This throws these so called people of God into a fit. The Protestants are the worst of the sects. For a people who "don't interpret God's word," they sure do interpret circles around "if your right hand offend against thee, cut it off."
I now realize that what I am arguing against is not a logical theology. By a vast margin, people turn to God as a cope. They are unhappy with the state of the world, unhappy with their lives, frustrated with lack of success, seek healing and comfort. Perhaps I am guilty of this as well in some sense. It is an emotional adjournment as the result of some trauma. Yes, God will be your high tower. But what does Christ say to the rich man who asks *what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?*
The answer, *if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.* So yes, there are terms on eternal life; Jesus lists various conditions multiple times.
However the average Christian is far from a zealot. This is a person who seeks one thing from God and to disrupt the uninvolved ease at which he believes the end is obtained has confronted his desire of comfort. He wants to sin, and by simply feigning ignorance of scripture he believes that he receives both the world of the flesh and the spirit. But what does Jesus say?
Remember, if you scoop up the ocean with a cup and find no fish, it doesn't mean there is no fish in the ocean. We are dealing with a size scale of microscopic spanning quantities of time which allows us only to speculate, because who could and would invest 1000+ generations to diligently observe something like that?
> I think it's just as ridiculous of an idea as saying an omnipotent entity formed man from dust.
Technically, it's not so far from what likely must have happened. It's just that there are intermediate steps spanning a long time. However the level of foresight it would require to create microscopic life, have it evolve over billions of years, given all sorts of conditions on Earth, including mass extinctions, and then at some point have one species evolve to have a similar shape as God is extreme. It would require omniscience. If you operate outside of physics as we know it, and have full information about the universe spanning its lifetime, it would be possible.
> you feel a misplaced sense of accomplishment that you designed it correctly
That's a good view overall.
> It would be more logical to thank the clouds for rain and worship them since they are visible, instead of inventing something else.
Yes, but to have it represented by an intelligent, anthropomorphized being that creates unpredictable(/hard to predict) outcomes is... well, more exciting. The unpredictable element would be something people would want to figure out, because hardships make life even harder than it already is. So some people come up with a solution - they tie it to virtue, meaning "there is no rain for the fields because you weren't virtuous enough." Or "we have to please god by killing the infidels." Or even weird things as human sacrifices. The jews are utterly crazy with what they came up btw - their religion doesn't contain much philosophy, it's all about making up idiotic rules and circumventing them via tricks.
So the good outcomes occur when that deity is pleased, which allegedly has demands which only a small group of people claim to know. And people go crazy over gambling, random outcomes, just as the concept of causality itself - so it's not like they have to prove much. Just be convincing. When the good outcome comes after people adhere to their will: "god is pleased", when the bad outcome comes: "god is disappointed in you, do better next time."
Same with Covid btw. Remember how people claim that the reason the coof wasn't as bad (the same as every flu) is because people abode by these idiotic edicts like wearing useless cloth masks and ~social distancing~? And that all of that has to be repeated because... it "would have been worse"?
This mentality is so deeply rooted in people, it's crazy.
> When will your video game be completed? Sounds interesting.
This year, I hope. A lot is already done, including the most difficult technical parts like multiplayer, procedural generation and loading/unloading in free flight FTL. Meaning you can see hundreds of distant stars at any point (more with higher loading range settings), and fly to one and visit it and its planets, moons and sites. It will span the size of the observable universe, but that's rather a side-note, because every galaxy will be huge anyway. The focus will be on combat, customization, progression and exploration actually. The setting will essentially be ethnically homogeneous Aryan Whites being the player faction, and all others being the hostile NPC factions. Niggers are extinct, because it would be too unrealistic otherwise.