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I have on seldom occasion met a Christian who I agree with at any significant theological level. Any in depth conversation with these people nearly always ends with them calling me a Satanist.. in so many words. "I'm leading people from God, I'm making things too complicated, I'm ignorant, stupid, heretical."


Simply because I maintain that a Christian's foremost duty is to abstain as much as possible from sinful behavior. This throws these so called people of God into a fit. The Protestants are the worst of the sects. For a people who "don't interpret God's word," they sure do interpret circles around "if your right hand offend against thee, cut it off."

I now realize that what I am arguing against is not a logical theology. By a vast margin, people turn to God as a cope. They are unhappy with the state of the world, unhappy with their lives, frustrated with lack of success, seek healing and comfort. Perhaps I am guilty of this as well in some sense. It is an emotional adjournment as the result of some trauma. Yes, God will be your high tower. But what does Christ say to the rich man who asks *what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?*

The answer, *if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.* So yes, there are terms on eternal life; Jesus lists various conditions multiple times.

However the average Christian is far from a zealot. This is a person who seeks one thing from God and to disrupt the uninvolved ease at which he believes the end is obtained has confronted his desire of comfort. He wants to sin, and by simply feigning ignorance of scripture he believes that he receives both the world of the flesh and the spirit. But what does Jesus say?
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1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
He needs to send us another leader, or lead himself.

There's a line at the end of the film *"Lord of War"* where the protagonist says something along the lines of: *"People say that evil prevails when good men do nothing. What they ought to say is, evil prevails."*

The longer I live in this world, the more I understand that good and righteousness are the ones that are flashes in the pan. That most of history, including modern times, are ruled by evil men with evil inclinations.

Even now, as americans think they live in relative peace, their food is being poisoned, their water is being fucked with and they're being injected with slop. Their ancestry is dying, invaders are pouring into their countries... All of it masquerades as good. Evil wears it like a cloak to be discarded and burned on the ground later, and it gets away with it more often than not.

And I don't care what anyone says, an entity worthy of worship isn't a creator who then just leaves his creation to wallow in darkness and lets it get roasted by evil 80% of the time.

I'm ready for a warhammer 400000 type of Christ and savior. An invincible icon of justice, righteousness, love and courage, with the tenacity and power to carry out vengeance against those who would choose to wrong others.

All evil understands is superior force. It can muster armadas of wickedness to combat even the slightest whisper of good. It's so beguiling it now adorns the raiment of good. There are so many sleeping people. There is so much evil. Architects of covid are all walking around totally free with no consequence. Everyone stuck that shit in themselves.

I want Christ NOT to be crucified. I want Hitler to win. I want evil to lose. I'm tired of nothing making any sense because we live in kike world. Nothing makes any fucking sense. On purpose. From finance to resource management to how you treat your family, it's insidious from the top down. It's like the kikes want to cheat reality itself to spit in Gods eye.

I'm sick of it. I'm ready for the warm embrace of the light. It looks like exiting the world is the only way that's happening, so I'm in for another 40 fucking years of this hell.
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
At the end of the day you need to be your own leader. Basically the entire point of the Bible is that you only qualify for Heaven if you can control yourself. It doesn't matter if jews or God is running things, it's up to you as an individual whether you make it to Heaven or not.
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