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I have on seldom occasion met a Christian who I agree with at any significant theological level. Any in depth conversation with these people nearly always ends with them calling me a Satanist.. in so many words. "I'm leading people from God, I'm making things too complicated, I'm ignorant, stupid, heretical."


Simply because I maintain that a Christian's foremost duty is to abstain as much as possible from sinful behavior. This throws these so called people of God into a fit. The Protestants are the worst of the sects. For a people who "don't interpret God's word," they sure do interpret circles around "if your right hand offend against thee, cut it off."

I now realize that what I am arguing against is not a logical theology. By a vast margin, people turn to God as a cope. They are unhappy with the state of the world, unhappy with their lives, frustrated with lack of success, seek healing and comfort. Perhaps I am guilty of this as well in some sense. It is an emotional adjournment as the result of some trauma. Yes, God will be your high tower. But what does Christ say to the rich man who asks *what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?*

The answer, *if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.* So yes, there are terms on eternal life; Jesus lists various conditions multiple times.

However the average Christian is far from a zealot. This is a person who seeks one thing from God and to disrupt the uninvolved ease at which he believes the end is obtained has confronted his desire of comfort. He wants to sin, and by simply feigning ignorance of scripture he believes that he receives both the world of the flesh and the spirit. But what does Jesus say?
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KingSweyn on
1 month ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 2 children
The problem with trying to achieve a "correct interpretation" of the Bible is that it will only add one more sect to the big ol' list.

If you are genuinely trying to follow the teachings outlined in the Bible, then you might be in the wrong religion. The purpose of a thing is what it does. Christianity's core purpose is to validate egos via ideological conformity, as liberals do.

In the absence of personal merit and objective virtue, humans like to raise their sense of self-worth through group identity... and nothing is requires less merit than giving lip service to other people's ideas. With that they become "one of the good type of people... not like those bad people with bad opinions." This is of course reinforced through regular ideological circlejerking.

Edit: and you're not going to change a single thing about this. No one can. If everyone is just going to believe as they want to anyway, why even pretend you all believe the same shit?

Your choices are: disassociate from this group of cretins, or... associate yourself with this group of cretins. Either stop calling yourself Christian, or accept that you're a *willing part* of the *only* group funding non-White immigration to White countries more than kikes do.
ScallionPancake on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
>Christianity's core purpose is to validate egos via ideological conformity

This is the case of literally anything that creates an in-group. Human beings seek to belong. This is our nature. We are drawn to worship, and frankly I think that this alone is proof of our divine creation. There has never been a human that has not found his purpose in the metaphysical world. This could be internal, as in desperately seeking positive emotional output, as in the case of pleasure seeking degenerates who pursue the invisible via the flesh.. Or external, such as the heathens who worshipped wooden idols as their personified deities. This also extends to political ideologies, which don't necessarily promise a spiritual revelation, but a worldly one, drawing it's adherents together through a transcendental bond.

As the philosophers throughout the ages noted true human strength arises from a common human bond fashioned through virtue and labor. So says the heathen Cato: *"I do not think that it was by arms that our ancestors made our republic great by being small. Had that been the case, the republic of our day would have been far more flourishing that in their times.... but other things made them strong, and we have none of them: industry at home, just government without, a mind free in deliberation, addicted neither to crime or to lust... And no wonder, when every individual consults only for his own good, when ye are slaves of pleasure at home and in public affairs... no wonder that an onslaught is made upon the unprotected republic."*

The problem with modern Christianity is not that it *is* Christianity, or not. The problem is that it has been weaponized, as anything can be, and the adherents ordered to forgo virtue and commonality... I could go on but I just got called into work.


>Your choices are: disassociate from this group of cretins, or... associate yourself with this group of cretins

I will choose the latter in nearly every scenario.

>stop calling yourself Christian

I already have. I can not bring myself to even attempt to live the life that Jesus Christ commands his followers to lead, therefore I will not sully the name of the eternal Christ with my rebellion. I worship the Almighty God, begetter of Jesus and will strive to become as close to Christian as my corrupted flesh allows.

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