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I have on seldom occasion met a Christian who I agree with at any significant theological level. Any in depth conversation with these people nearly always ends with them calling me a Satanist.. in so many words. "I'm leading people from God, I'm making things too complicated, I'm ignorant, stupid, heretical."


Simply because I maintain that a Christian's foremost duty is to abstain as much as possible from sinful behavior. This throws these so called people of God into a fit. The Protestants are the worst of the sects. For a people who "don't interpret God's word," they sure do interpret circles around "if your right hand offend against thee, cut it off."

I now realize that what I am arguing against is not a logical theology. By a vast margin, people turn to God as a cope. They are unhappy with the state of the world, unhappy with their lives, frustrated with lack of success, seek healing and comfort. Perhaps I am guilty of this as well in some sense. It is an emotional adjournment as the result of some trauma. Yes, God will be your high tower. But what does Christ say to the rich man who asks *what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?*

The answer, *if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.* So yes, there are terms on eternal life; Jesus lists various conditions multiple times.

However the average Christian is far from a zealot. This is a person who seeks one thing from God and to disrupt the uninvolved ease at which he believes the end is obtained has confronted his desire of comfort. He wants to sin, and by simply feigning ignorance of scripture he believes that he receives both the world of the flesh and the spirit. But what does Jesus say?
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SSAnon1488 on
1 month ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror ) 1 child
I understand what you mean. The problem with the modern church is that they hold the “nice grandma that bakes cookies for you” ideologies of love everyone and violence is never the answer. Now, don’t get me wrong, those grandmas are essential to a good society. But Their types of ideologies should not lead the church.

And a majority of modern Christians have hearts in the right place. Of course, the rest use god as a cope, but not most.

Remember. If we do not lead them, Jews will.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Why do you, personally, worship God?
SSAnon1488 on
1 month ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror ) 3 children
Think of god as another person. God is interesting, a good person, and holds me accountable.

Now think of him as god. He created me and you and the good and amazing things in this world. He sacrificed himself for me because he loved me and wanted to be as close to me as possible. He created me. How could I not worship him? And not only did he create me, but he wants to have a relationship with me. Thus my and your creation. He is a being that created me, loves me, helps me, and Is the reason for good in the world. This is why I worship him.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Yes that is the correct reason to worship. I once told a Christian that I don't do this to get into Heaven and he said "then what is the point."
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
He needs to send us another leader, or lead himself.

There's a line at the end of the film *"Lord of War"* where the protagonist says something along the lines of: *"People say that evil prevails when good men do nothing. What they ought to say is, evil prevails."*

The longer I live in this world, the more I understand that good and righteousness are the ones that are flashes in the pan. That most of history, including modern times, are ruled by evil men with evil inclinations.

Even now, as americans think they live in relative peace, their food is being poisoned, their water is being fucked with and they're being injected with slop. Their ancestry is dying, invaders are pouring into their countries... All of it masquerades as good. Evil wears it like a cloak to be discarded and burned on the ground later, and it gets away with it more often than not.

And I don't care what anyone says, an entity worthy of worship isn't a creator who then just leaves his creation to wallow in darkness and lets it get roasted by evil 80% of the time.

I'm ready for a warhammer 400000 type of Christ and savior. An invincible icon of justice, righteousness, love and courage, with the tenacity and power to carry out vengeance against those who would choose to wrong others.

All evil understands is superior force. It can muster armadas of wickedness to combat even the slightest whisper of good. It's so beguiling it now adorns the raiment of good. There are so many sleeping people. There is so much evil. Architects of covid are all walking around totally free with no consequence. Everyone stuck that shit in themselves.

I want Christ NOT to be crucified. I want Hitler to win. I want evil to lose. I'm tired of nothing making any sense because we live in kike world. Nothing makes any fucking sense. On purpose. From finance to resource management to how you treat your family, it's insidious from the top down. It's like the kikes want to cheat reality itself to spit in Gods eye.

I'm sick of it. I'm ready for the warm embrace of the light. It looks like exiting the world is the only way that's happening, so I'm in for another 40 fucking years of this hell.
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
At the end of the day you need to be your own leader. Basically the entire point of the Bible is that you only qualify for Heaven if you can control yourself. It doesn't matter if jews or God is running things, it's up to you as an individual whether you make it to Heaven or not.
WeedleTLiar on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
The obvious response to this is that to live is to suffer, so why should there be grattitude for a creator that put you into such a world?

My thinking is that it's better to have the possibility of good than to not have evil, and that we, as extensions of God, have responsibilities to the world, each other, and ourselves as divine beings. But this is completely at odds with the idea that the best thing we can do is to not sin.

If we don't have a duty that we need to perform, that justifies the inevitable pain we experience, then all we're doing is suffering. Refraining from sinning does not end suffering. Trying to eliminate suffering does not end suffering. At that point, why would I even want eternal life, if it just means suffering and self-denial forever?
SSAnon1488 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I’m sorry, I’m a little fog minded right now, what specifically are you asking about?
KingSweyn on
1 month ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 2 children
The problem with trying to achieve a "correct interpretation" of the Bible is that it will only add one more sect to the big ol' list.

If you are genuinely trying to follow the teachings outlined in the Bible, then you might be in the wrong religion. The purpose of a thing is what it does. Christianity's core purpose is to validate egos via ideological conformity, as liberals do.

In the absence of personal merit and objective virtue, humans like to raise their sense of self-worth through group identity... and nothing is requires less merit than giving lip service to other people's ideas. With that they become "one of the good type of people... not like those bad people with bad opinions." This is of course reinforced through regular ideological circlejerking.

Edit: and you're not going to change a single thing about this. No one can. If everyone is just going to believe as they want to anyway, why even pretend you all believe the same shit?

Your choices are: disassociate from this group of cretins, or... associate yourself with this group of cretins. Either stop calling yourself Christian, or accept that you're a *willing part* of the *only* group funding non-White immigration to White countries more than kikes do.
ScallionPancake on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
>Christianity's core purpose is to validate egos via ideological conformity

This is the case of literally anything that creates an in-group. Human beings seek to belong. This is our nature. We are drawn to worship, and frankly I think that this alone is proof of our divine creation. There has never been a human that has not found his purpose in the metaphysical world. This could be internal, as in desperately seeking positive emotional output, as in the case of pleasure seeking degenerates who pursue the invisible via the flesh.. Or external, such as the heathens who worshipped wooden idols as their personified deities. This also extends to political ideologies, which don't necessarily promise a spiritual revelation, but a worldly one, drawing it's adherents together through a transcendental bond.

As the philosophers throughout the ages noted true human strength arises from a common human bond fashioned through virtue and labor. So says the heathen Cato: *"I do not think that it was by arms that our ancestors made our republic great by being small. Had that been the case, the republic of our day would have been far more flourishing that in their times.... but other things made them strong, and we have none of them: industry at home, just government without, a mind free in deliberation, addicted neither to crime or to lust... And no wonder, when every individual consults only for his own good, when ye are slaves of pleasure at home and in public affairs... no wonder that an onslaught is made upon the unprotected republic."*

The problem with modern Christianity is not that it *is* Christianity, or not. The problem is that it has been weaponized, as anything can be, and the adherents ordered to forgo virtue and commonality... I could go on but I just got called into work.


>Your choices are: disassociate from this group of cretins, or... associate yourself with this group of cretins

I will choose the latter in nearly every scenario.

>stop calling yourself Christian

I already have. I can not bring myself to even attempt to live the life that Jesus Christ commands his followers to lead, therefore I will not sully the name of the eternal Christ with my rebellion. I worship the Almighty God, begetter of Jesus and will strive to become as close to Christian as my corrupted flesh allows.

fvckface on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
> I have on seldom occasion met a Christian who I agree with at any significant theological level.
>> username: JesusSupporter33

Which is it? Are we not to go into the world and spread the gospel and good news? To save people, who should, in turn, save others?

This is how Christianity spread throughout the world.

It is not my place to cast judgment or damnation on others; I do however point out things like Leviticus 18:20-22 quite often. It's quick, easy for the average idiot to read, and very clear regardless of which translation is used.

- Don't fuck your neighbor's wife.

- Don't allow your children to be killed or sacrificed.

- Don't have gay sex.

That covers a lot of modern nonsense, clearly and quickly.

There are plenty of other biblical laws, obviously don't kill people, etc. The Christians who can't follow these basic, easy to understand laws, imo, are no more Christians than the jews who say they are White.

I have no issue moving on from them and not speaking or interacting with them. I try not to judge them, that is not my place, I am not one who has not sinned myself, so I do not cast the first stone. That said, I don't see removing people from my life or refusing to interact with people like this as "passing judgment".

Now, when people actively interpret Leviticus 18:22 as somehow not meaning "don't have gay sex", that's where I have a problem with them. It is blasphemy. Even when the Catholic Church and the Methodists do it and start appointing gay priests and pastors.

Leviticus 18:20, modern Christians say "but it's ok to have an open marriage and/or cheat on your spouse" Wrong. Fuck around and, I guess, find out when your time here is up.

Leviticus 18:21, I replied to a comment on a Biblical post of mine about the Synagogue of Satan recently [where I argued that abortion is child sacrifice](, in a way close enough that Leviticus 18:21 definitely applies.

No reply, no one else commented. Fine.

In situations like that, I usually take the "proselytizing" approach right away, rather than attempting to evangelize. Why? Because I feel strongly enough that a fetus is a life and a child, as God's own word has stated, and that anyone killing, or allowing to be killed, their child is damning themselves for eternity.

That's significant. Evangelizing is a lot of sunshine and rainbows. It's great to bring people to know the story of Jesus. But anyone actively defying the Lord in heinous ways, or actively supporting it, should be bluntly told how it is blasphemous.

Anyway, I guess I forgot what other part of your post I was originally replying to. Sorry. Lol.

I guess when you hear "Christians" blaspheming the Bible, cut them out of your life, or call them out, or firmly educate them.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
>Are we not to go into the world and spread the gospel and good news? To save people, who should, in turn, save others?

That is exactly what you should do.

>It is not my place to cast judgment or damnation on others

I have very rarely said that an act will send somebody straight to hell. A few examples however being pedo shit, human sacrifice, extending glory to the lesser gods instead of the Great God.


When Jesus commanded those who would follow him to forsake everything.. Money, land, even a change of clothes.. Was he just talking nonsense? Did he change his mind? When he condemns even lust in the heart as being adulterous, was this some metaphor? Or was he very, very serious about the whole thing?
fvckface on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 2 children
Good question. In my opinion Jesus was a very literal person. I don't think the average Christian forsakes much of anything to follow God.

I'm heavily leaning towards becoming Orthodox. I talk to and about Jesus every day. I watch videos of sermons and/or theological debates and/or evangelizing on the street all the time. An hour on Sunday is not enough for me, I know that.

My former Church is officially a gathering of faggots and cuckolds now. I've been Churchless for longer than I'd like. I'm a parent and my kiddos school is a Christian one with a Church, but imo the pastor is too modern. Not even like liberal, just way too accepting and accommodating. There's a blue-haired butch woman with mixed kids that he smiles at and talks to all the time. I guess I'm waiting for him to pull the Batman meme where he smacks Robin to knock some sense into him. But nope, just smiling and waving.

I see a lot of evangelizing, Churches and pastors trying to bring the lambs and the lost sheep in to hear about God, but I don't feel like very many are trying to bring God unto them, if that makes sense?

Like they're leading a flock towards water but they stop to smile and wave at the flock, while the flock stands there not knowing what to do, still too far away to even drink. Then the flock starts to walk away, one by one, and the shepherd still just smiles and waves.

I guess that's how I see modern Churches anyway. If Jesus were here, I feel like he'd be throwing over some tables for sure.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
I feel the same way as you do brother and I especially like your allegory of the lost flock.

Have you been to any Latin Masses? I tried the Orthodox for a little but was unimpressed. If you are Germanic like I am, they spoke against our ancestors and cousins, the Latins and Franks, blaming them for the schism when it was Greek egotism that initially drove the wedge. Their liturgy seemed vain to me, but the Catholic Latin Mass was compelling.
fvckface on
1 month ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
My family is mostly still Catholic. I just can't get past the appointing of gays to lead congregations. To be Fathers in the Church, one should not be living in sin daily, unremorsefully.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Catholicism and Orthodoxy are very legalist. It's against the rules and traditions of their own doctrine. Those aren't priests and the establishments that they have charge over are not churches. The Pope might not even be the Pope because Popes can't just *resign* like the last did.
deleted 1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
fvckface on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
This is one of several reasons why I'm leaning towards becoming Orthodox.

Services differ only very slightly between Orthodox Churches. Orthodox are still worshipping God in the same way they were *thousands* of years ago.

There is no Vatican presiding over Orthodoxy, there is no Orthodox Pope. 300+ years ago, I can see why this might not have been as favorable, but in modern times, it means the leaders of the Church can't be infiltrated and the entire Church subverted like the Vatican has done. If an Orthodox Bishop goes rogue, the people, the Church, will move away from him. All other Orthodox Churches would be immune from whatever subversion he enacted in the Churches he presides over.

Further, from what I see in Orthodox services, there is no bending the knee to BLM Marxists or LGBT or acting like its all flowers and sunshine and rainbows when dancing around certain subjects.

Sermons are biblical first, not culturally focused. The people are there to worship God first and foremost. There is not a lot of "Southern hospitality" happening between people who are mostly there to compete at socializing with one another. Well, there is at the end but services are long, and the people stand most of the time. There's basically no silenced cell phone games being played or social media scrolling by the people in the back.

There are a lot of positives drawing me towards Orthodoxy. Putting God first is big for me.
PurestEvil on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
I'm an atheist simply because it is physically impossible for deities to exist as imagined. Even if there was a parallel dimension for afterlife, it doesn't make sense. If you speak, there are vibrations that ripple through the air, which the ears can perceive and are interpreted as sounds. If the range is too high, it cannot be heard. Atmosphere and wind are the hard limit. So whatever prayers you say, it only reaches your own ear. It would require someone in that parallel dimension to be very close to you, right at that place at that moment. If you only think it, these are just bio-electric signals coursing around in your brain. While to yourself it makes sense, to anyone else it would be incomprehensible even if they could perceive it.

I came closer to the concept of what a deity could be. A simulation. You are the user, you run a simulation, and it plays out with an initial state over time. Now, a computer is quite powerful, so you can run many simulations and have them be played out at rapid speed. In that case, do you care what happens? If you have 500 simulations each with millions of data points? You may look into it arbitrarily, maybe to find some anomaly or bug.

Applied to real-life, this is what is possible: There is a deity that is not subject to space, time and possibly logic itself, as everything in the universe is, and the entire universe is created for an unknown reason (curiosity?) by unknown means starting and ending after a lot of time. Humans just happened to be one short-lived outcome somewhere in all of it - a little spark, only perceptible if you pay very close attention. Time is only a thing for us because we live and perceive time at a pace of 1 second per second.

In fact the entirety of the universe, where things actually happen, like planets forming, stars shining, black holes consuming, moons orbiting is a tiny spark, whereas the heat death and entropy is like 99%+ of its total lifetime. The good stuff happens in a tiny fraction of its lifetime - just like how an explosion is special for a short moment, and then it's just smoke. And what is actually relevant is the filament of the structure of galaxy clusters, or whatever pattern governs that.

To say "existence is a simulation" is selling it short, as if Earth is the main character. But why would it be? Given the vastness of the observed universe, how arrogant is it to believe that we are special? What if life on Earth is akin to mold on bread - are you excited about that? Life on Earth existed for 3-4 billion years, and 2000 years is 0.0005% of that. That's the time span where we are special to God, right?

Anyway, I don't believe any of this either. But it is more plausible than an omnipotent deity intervening in trivial parts of our lives. Of course this means muslims are retarded with their sandnigger pedo deity, jews are retarded to worship a malevolent fire deity, and streetshitters are retarded to worship... whatever the fuck they have. All of these religions are an extension of the general behaviors and cultures of people.

But people need religion. 95%+ do not function well without it. Somehow morality gets discarded without it, meaning of life too, the concept of honor too. There are a lot of benefits to be religious, but it is a luxury that requires wilful ignorance, and considering ignorance a virtue. The "I believe despite evidence" stance, or even getting emboldened by opposition. The process of rationalization - putting your cognitive abilities into work to make sense of the nonsense.

Whatever change needs to occur in our countries (extermination of niggers and kikes), Christianity has to support it. Or a new religion has to take its place that does. The absence of religion is poison to a culture, and jews latch onto it.

Maybe I am simple minded: I hate niggers because they are subhuman filth, I hate kikes because they are like malevolent demons that also haul in niggers, I hate faggots because they fell to degeneracy and spread it. I ONLY want to deal with Whites, everyone else (not Japanese) is some kind of garbage that is best exterminated. The ideal is to have entire planet to only consist of Whites. What religion stands for that? None.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I'll be back to give you an extended message. Might take a few days. I'm working heavy hours right now.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>it is physically impossible for deities to exist as imagined

It depends on the imagination. The scope of God can not be comprehended, but, there is a certain invisible bond which relates between creatures. For instance, if you read the "US Army Special Operations Sniper Training and Employment," it warns the operator against looking directly and intently at a person. This is because of a documented phenomenon called "gaze detection." An animal, humans included, can *somehow* sense another staring or stalking, without any sense being triggered. The "detection" can cause emotional distress.

This is one single example of a metaphysical bond between animals and this bond has such a range that recon and snipers are warned about it. The Almighty, who wrought the elements from nothing (breaking the laws of thermodynamics) may communicate with his creation through a similar manner. If the mere stare of an otherwise undetected animal can arouse anxiety, is it far fetched to wonder if the Omnipotent God could use the same invisible avenue to invoke certain emotions?

>Paragraphs 2-6.. Anyway, I don't believe any of this either

I won't get too deep into rebutting a hypothetical but....

>Humans just happened to be one short-lived outcome somewhere in all of it

And there is a reason for this. There simply must be. Consider the impossibility of what you are and what you are seeing. Literally what the absolute fuck is going on right now? Our Being is imbedded in this form, made of an uncountable number of microscopic things, *hosting* an uncountable number of microscopic things and because of this we are endowed with sensation??? We are born into this delusion and life is delivered because seed is placed into a womb?! Do you honestly think this is chance? That the dumb universe accidently brought this thing that I am, and the thing that you are, in to existence without reason?

>But it is more plausible than an omnipotent deity intervening in trivial parts of our lives

 But you are that life. You are the main character, not the Earth. You see things via your perspective. The God, with never ending "computing power" also sees through this perspective. You design video games as have I.. Imagine a master script that manages all the NPCs. This script knows the x,y,z position of every NPC, it knows their health, knows what their next location is going to be, knows *all* possible locations they could go, understands the chances of them moving to any of those locations. It knows their abilities, it knows whatever "if" statements are associated with them, it knows what gear they are wearing and what stats they have. It knows their aggro range. It knows everything between them all equally. Not one is more significant than the other; none are overlooked. They die and spawn, but the master script remains. Without the master script, they are nothing. But without them, the master script is pointless.

>But people need religion

And there is a reason for this. Our souls speak of our Creator and our physical form listens.

 >it is a luxury that requires wilful ignorance, and considering ignorance a virtue

This is true. I have abandoned science and have even gone as far to completely discard the theory of evolution. Willfully. Why? Because pondering this served me no profit but rather acted as a stumblingblock in discovering man's nature.

>Christianity has to support it

Christianity will never support it but there are no practical, honorable and dignified alternatives. Besides Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Almighty God and any religion that seeks to abandon Christ has abandoned his Father.

PurestEvil on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
> This is one single example of a metaphysical bond between animals and this bond has such a range that recon and snipers are warned about it.

It's probably a rare phenomenon and just the result of randomness. If a person is longer outside, and he is watched for a longer time, he is likely to look around and eventually see something. If I were a soldier, I'd be even more suspicious and careful about my surroundings. I don't think this has ever been properly tested, and it's just assumed.

> Do you honestly think this is chance?

No. A process (evolution) spanning billions of years can result in that. The actual question is how that even started - life must have emerged from non-life somehow, and the size of it was microscopic or smaller. But even here we have a survival bias - if it didn't happen, we wouldn't be asking why it didn't happen. Maybe it's a universal phenomenon we don't know about. Maybe we have a false perception of what "life" actually is - because ultimately everything consists of atoms and molecules. A car for example can move, but it's not alive - so is it something between non-life and life? What if we are just elaborate machines with the ability to move, regenerate and reproduce?

> But you are that life. You are the main character, not the Earth.

How do you know? Dogs are also life, ants too, bacteria too, viruses... are on the verge of it. Wouldn't it be arrogant of us to believe we are special only because we have the ability to think? What if black holes are the main characters, but are incapable to think? What if every being with sufficient intelligence to think considers themselves special?

This has no implication on my actual life btw. I exist, I have instinctual drives, I have purposes, biological processes make me feel good or bad - I don't care who or what the main attraction in the universe is.

> They die and spawn, but the master script remains. Without the master script, they are nothing. But without them, the master script is pointless.

That's a good analogy. That assumes life in general is an intended outcome rather than a coincidence though. Imagine a simulation in which you just want to test what happens when you have a certain set of physical rules and have a super-huge amount of matter in one place. And it immediately explodes and scatters matter and energy into every direction. But the matter swirls around and takes forms, and develops patterns. Then you grab a coffee and when you return it's the heat death phase where nothing happens anymore.

And after you return and wonder why the thing exploded, your physical rules somehow causes dust on planets, which orbit stars, which orbit galaxies, which fly through space, turn into microscopic things that behave erratically. And while you were gone, it changed form microscopic things into multi-cellular entities, which do things. After the host star is depleted of energy, all these entities just die out.

But even if you were there at the monitor, you wouldn't have noticed, because it's something so tiny in relation to the bigger things. Stars were already like short-lived sparks to you. If you knew, you'd be interested in it, sure, but you didn't expect life to occur at all.

> and any religion that seeks to abandon Christ has abandoned his Father.

Religions existed long before Christianity existed. The Greeks and Romans also had religions with multiple deities. The northern tribes believed in Valhalla. The concept of a singular deity as today was simply not what people believed in for millennia - they didn't abandon Christ or his father.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>It's probably a rare phenomenon and just the result of randomness

I grew up attached to the land. There's times I can feel when somebody is staring right at the back of my head. It's like an electric sensation. I really can't describe it but when I was young the "6th sense" used to be a lot stronger. I truly believe in it. Yes anecdotal but there is *some* science to back it up.

>A process (evolution) spanning billions of years can result in that.

According to whom exactly? We can only observe only our own reality and make conclusions based on this. Maybe we have never witnessed God's great miracles in a direct and ostentatious way. Is it therefore logical to say that divine creation is impossible? We also have never witnessed life emerge from the dumb, or for dust to suddenly animate itself in a manner that is inconsistent from its nature.

The only fact involving life is that we have never witnessed life come to form, therefore we can not possibly know how it started. All else is religion or theory. When I was an atheist I played with the ideas of pseudo-life and "life as we don't know it." I figured if we ever did *find* alien life that had formed itself by chance on a distant planet that it would be life based in another element than carbon. But this is a fairy tale.

>What if we are just elaborate machines with the ability to move, regenerate and reproduce?

This is exactly what we are.

>What if every being with sufficient intelligence to think considers themselves special?

Yes, this is my point. Literally everything which can contemplate itself is the main character. You are a direct extension of your creator. He sees everything you do, feels everything, hears everything, listens to your thoughts, understands your ideas. It is not overwhelming to a being with infinite "computing power" which communicates via an unobservable connection.

And although this seems like a theory in the same category as secular creation and big bang, I do not think it is and I suggest that the evidence lies in man's own nature. As you said "Religions existed long before Christianity existed." Man has always been driven to worship *something*. Why would our nature have us invoke the imaginary? Why would all human beings who ever lived seek the metaphysical? There is nothing else in our nature that would be as unproductive as worshipping something that doesn't exist. Every process has a definitive and direct point, whether it was endowed in Adam at his creation, or otherwise formed via evolution. Sometimes we have to search for the point, but it is still there.

There is nothing unproductive or strange about any primal desire that we have. The want of sugar, meat, water, sex, warmth, comfort, shelter, community, love.. They all have an overt and obvious reason. We need sugar, we need meat, water, sex, etc. Even birdwatching has a purpose. The average human throughout the ages is drawn to worship, regardless of location, time or segregation, because worship of God is the same as the want of water and sugar. Sure, there is Mt. Dew which delights the senses to those accustomed to it.. but it is a poison, just as the various heathenisms that broke off from the primordial Aryan religion were.

>Imagine a simulation in which you just want to test what happens when you have a certain set of physical rules and have a super-huge amount of matter in one place.

The interesting thing about your model is it somewhat relates to Christianity. There are 2 Gods in Christianity, there is the Almighty, who created all and the Christ which governs (this is the entity that became Jesus). The almighty is the man at the monitor who made the rules and gathered the matter together.. but unlike man he has the capacity to notice all things. The Christ is the script which ensures that everything abides perfectly by the design. In practical terms he is the laws of physics and nature but able to be personified and judges creation.

God knew every possible outcome. We're talking about a vastly incomprehensible force that wrought the elements from absolutely nothing and must exist both inside and outside of spacetime. He knew life would come to exist, and assuming life was some accident, the worship of the ultimate creator is still in our nature so he surely has taken a shining to us.

>The Greeks and Romans also had religions with multiple deities

That's a discussion for another time lol.
PurestEvil on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
> Is it therefore logical to say that divine creation is impossible?

No, but if we go by the things that are "possible", we have basically limitless things that can happen.

> We also have never witnessed life emerge from the dumb, or for dust to suddenly animate itself in a manner that is inconsistent from its nature.

Because it takes a time that spans a multiple of a human life. We aren't even sure how pyramids were created, and that's relatively recent! Or how are moons, planets and stars created? There are good theories, but you cannot "observe" something that takes millions of years or more. And it's not like there is a progression bar that says "43% complete." The ring around Saturn for example *could* be a planet or moon in the future, but as of right now it's just a ring of dust or tiny rocks. The same goes for evolution - at every point in time all life forms MUST be viable (or "complete"), and must be able to successfully compete with other life forms to continue to exist. And at the same time they must genetically adapt, meaning technically all life forms are also in an "intermediate" state too.

> that had formed itself by chance on a distant planet that it would be life based in another element than carbon. But this is a fairy tale.

It's very well possible that it's impossible, and the only way for life to exist is if it's similar to what exists on Earth. But we don't know, and possibly can never figure out.

> He sees everything you do, feels everything, hears everything, listens to your thoughts, understands your ideas.

Well, that's a romantic idea, but there is no evidence to suggest that. Also 99.9999%+ of it is utterly boring. And here's what makes it... unpleasant: Niggers, jews, pajeets, faggots, maggots, bacteria, rats - does the same also go for them? Are they observed too? Or is there a threshold? If yes, what about race-mixers? What's the threshold for race-mixing? Are Orientals ok?

> Why would our nature have us invoke the imaginary?

Because it's more about ideas, culture, transmittable thoughts. Christianity is not just the idea of God, good and evil, and afterlife. It contains a lot of philosophical guidelines that are objectively good. Plus cultural elements, traditions, reasons for get-togethers - something that united people. It's better to have more tangible ideas than to be vague. For example it's more efficient to say "sin is bad" rather than explaining why committing crimes and amoral actions is bad on an individual and collective level.

Atheists can easily fall into the trap of abandoning philosophy and ethics altogether, and devolve into selfish, careless degenerates, who have no issues to commit to malevolence.

As of older and other religions, this applies too. It just took different forms - like having a chorus of deities, each dealing with their own section of life. Subhuman religions are obviously... different.

ALSO: Ideas in general are "imaginary." They are abstractions, but they apply to reality. So it's not a big step from thinking "rain is good for my farm" to thanking a deity for rain.

> The Christ is the script which ensures that everything abides perfectly by the design.

Interesting. So Christ is like the avatar of God? To bring up a video game parallel: In my space combat/exploration game the only way to even perceive the universe and its content is to have an editor-spaceship that can move at extreme warp speeds and is invulnerable. There are many factors involved like loading ranges and procedural generation - so it requires the game to run in order for anything to exist.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>No, but if we go by the things that are "possible", we have basically limitless things that can happen.

>The same goes for evolution - at every point in time all life forms MUST be viable

>you cannot "observe" something that takes millions of years or more. And it's not like there is a progression bar that says "43% complete.

Yes.. The logical process for Saturn's rings should be that the dust will continue to accumulate in clumps and eventually form satellites then moons because of gravity. But there is nothing that we can look at (that I know of) and say "this lifeless form is on the road to animation." All we have is the already living and the utterly unliving. So that leaves us with the "common ancestor" theory, which means that literally every instance of life on Earth emerged from a single manifestation of life.. which *somehow* managed to reproduce and proliferate itself.

It is one thing to suggest that a microscopic dust particle somehow become animated, but how could it have possibly evolved to reproduce in the course of it's life and what did it reproduce with? Frankly from a strictly logical point of view, religion aside, I think it's just as ridiculous of an idea as saying an omnipotent entity formed man from dust.

>Also 99.9999%+ of it is utterly boring

Maybe that's why God "shakes things up" lol. Life in the past wasn't so boring though. Famine, war and struggle were constant. If you think about it our ancestor's prayers have been answered for the most part. They prayed that their children would not see the horror of conflict or starvation and here we are.

>Niggers, jews, pajeets, faggots, maggots, bacteria, rats - does the same also go for them? Are they observed too?

Even the trees are observed. The planets are observed. The physical and imaginary are observed. They all serve some sort of purpose.. Some purposes are bad/ generally annoying (like jeets) and others good. God observes these things because that is one of the purposes of God. You were made in the image of God, consider how you feel when looking over your videogame. You probably made the antagonists the epitome of what you hate the most, but do you hate your own creation? When you see the plague that you created do what it does, are you utterly revolted by it or do you feel a misplaced sense of accomplishment that *you* designed it correctly, and it's fulfilled it's duty? Of course you don't want it to win. If it were to win, you'd probably step in and rewrite scripts to overcome it because the victory of the antagonist is not what you wanted.

I spent 2 years making a video game. That's why I like using them as analogies lol. I really think the way we manage them is similar to how God manages the creation.

>Because it's more about ideas, culture, transmittable thoughts

Every species of human worships the imaginary. We know that blacks and whites are distinct, but the Africans worship their imaginary devils. They had been separated from humanity for an unknown amount of time but they worshipped in the same, albeit extremely primitive, manner as the heathen. Same with various Islanders worshipping spirits. The chings worshipping ancestors, etc.

>Atheists can easily fall into the trap of abandoning philosophy and ethics altogether, and devolve into selfish, careless degenerates, who have no issues to commit to malevolence

These people worship self. They have deluded themselves so heavily they believe that they are God.

>Ideas in general are "imaginary." They are abstractions, but they apply to reality. So it's not a big step from thinking "rain is good for my farm" to thanking a deity for rain

Well it sort of is. It would be more logical to thank the clouds for rain and worship them since they are visible, instead of inventing something else.

>So Christ is like the avatar of God?

Yes, essentially.

When will your video game be completed? Sounds interesting.
WeedleTLiar on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>But what does Christ say to the rich man who asks what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? The answer, if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. So yes, there are terms on eternal life; Jesus lists various conditions multiple times.

Isn't this just idleness? If all I need to do is refrain from sinning, couldn't I just sit around playing video games all day (not a sin as far as I know)? Or just die?

It doesn't make sense to me that we were created to **not** do things. Animals don't sin, so why even have humans if there isn't something we need to do?
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
No brother. Idleness is sin. Man is made for specific functions and it is a Christian's duty to discover these functions through contemplation and prayer.

Sin is essentially anything which divides us from our nature. We were born to roam the central steppes hunting the herd and living in tents. Indeed we advance technology and civilization has erupted around us, but our nature is still within. When this is repressed or otherwise unexercised, we become unhappy and search for our nature in the unnatural.
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