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... but those who can use this information would rather read anyway.



It's really that simple.

Let me tell you a story that the jews tell themselves. Remember when Moses brought Israel to Canaan and said "Hey there's the promised land!" Moses and Israel were fighting tribes and nations in between Egypt and Canaan and kicking butts and wiping entire genealogies off the face of the planet.

Then they come to one area, ready to fight them if they don't let them pass through, and so the kings of that area hire a prophet named Balaam. They paid him a lot of money to prophesy against Israel, which, through some weird events, he eventually agreed to prophesy ABOUT Israel, but he couldn't put words in God's mouth. So when he opened his mouth, he blessed Israel and cursed the Canaanites, time and again.

This part is not in the Bible, but you can infer it based on what happens next in the narrative. The kings then ask Balaam how to stop Israel, and he explains the one weakness Israel has. See, if Israel fails to keep their covenant with God and commits all sorts of sins, then God will punish the Israelites and they won't be able to move into Canaan. So, and this part is in the Bible, the kings send their daughters in to Israel to play the whore, and next thing you know, God tells Moses what happened.

Now, Israel is faced with a choice. EITHER they allow the men who solicited the prostitutes to live and die before ever seeing Canaan, OR they put all the men to death. Israel chose to put the offenders to death, and next thing you know, Balaam and his kings are all wiped off the face of the planet.

The key to understanding all this is as follows.

(1) The jews KNOW that they are rejected by God. Why? Because Jerusalem was destroyed. The temple is gone. Also, God himself came down in the flesh and told them, in plain language, "You are no longer an inheritor."

(2) The jews KNOW that the Christians have inherited the title of "Israel" and are thus entitled to Jerusalem and everything else. All the promised blessings that God made in the Old Testament are going to happen to the Christian nations, not the jews.

(3) The jews KNOW that the only way God will curse the Christians is if they embrace whoredoms. THAT is why they are spending so much time and effort making porn and subverting our media and telling us to be gay and trans and stuff like that.


There are false Christians out there who can't understand the Bible telling you all you need to do is pray to God and your sins will be forgiven and God will bless you. This is utter garbage and trash and they know it. Yes, you need to pray to God and you need to ask for forgiveness of sins but you ALSO need to STOP SINNING.

You need to start living righteously, according to the laws. Now, God isn't going to write down the law on tablets of stone. No, that is not how he operates in these days. He writes the laws on your hearts. He tells you in your heart and mind what is right and what is wrong, and he expects you to do the right. He wants you, who, if you accept Christ, are part of Israel, to become his people. Not Moses' people. Not "Christ who lived and died 2000 years ago and doesn't speak anymore"'s people. He wants you to be the people of the living God who is still alive and speaking now, except you are too proud to hear his words.

You need to pray to God.

You need to read the Bible.

You need to stop doing bad stuff and start doing good stuff. You need to use God as your barometer of what is good and evil, not the TV, not popular culture, not what your preacher down the road is saying. Pray to God to know what is good and what is evil and for the strength to do what is right.

FINAL NOTE: A lot of people here are saying "We need to go to war right now!" These people are stupid. If we go to war in our weakened state, we will lose, badly. Don't listen to those voices. You must first prepare for war. Then, when victory is certain, then and only then do you pick up arms and start fighting. Until then, accept the fact that you have been betrayed by those who should've done differently. Accept responsibility for their actions, accept the consequences, accept the world for what it is, then throw away your pride and behave like men. Take the weight of the world on your shoulders, and one leg at a time, stand up. And after you have stood up, start moving forward.

Be wise like serpents.

Now you know. You know what they know, and you know what you must do.
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DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
u/MI7BZ3EW u/BlippiIsAPedo u/WeedleTLiar u/ReChristianize u/Lord_Cthulhu

I am liking the Orthodox rite very much, with its rustique and traditionalism and its nationalised churches (Serbian, Greek, Russian etc pp Orthodox Church) but i'll just assume that the OC is also a big no-no?

Unfortunately where i live is majorly Evangelical, Protestant, Reformist-Lutheran.
BelievingDidymus on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Orthodox don't believe Gods word and lots of the priest's are Pedos. Follow Jesus not a Church. I attend a Baptist church that has the base doctrines correct. No church will be perfect I tried looking for one.
DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
> don't believe God's word and lots of the priest's are Pedos

can you give me some sources, i'd like to read up on it.

> Follow Jesus not a Church

I know i know, i'm not looking to follow a church, the church is just the community and framework that i crave.
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