Porn is not sex, but a disgusting freak show. Mentally ill performers get damaged by STD and become invalids, or die. This is why it must be illegal. It has nothing to do with natural sex. All people involved in porn are degenerates. Make porn illegal, jail producers, and send performers to lunatic asylums.
here is an example
if you visit one then the algorithm tries to keep feeding them to you. Have to delete cache, clear cookies, close and reopen browser. LOL I wonder how many boomers get caught up in the algorithm and spiral out and book tickets to Philippines. Sad how cucked the Philippine people are. Their idea of moving up in life is marrying their daughter off to an old creepy white man or to a jew.
That kike ari shaffir was bragging about raping some thai boy in Thailand. I don't think he was joking.
Then again, Trump's wives seem like mail order. Probably met her thru ghislaine Maxwell