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TallestSkil on
7 days ago20 points(+1/-0/+19Score on mirror)6 children
I RECOGNIZE THAT GENE! I wrote about it a little in my book!
The human genome has currently been mapped to just over 99% completion. We still don’t know the function of every gene, but our broad understanding points us to specific genes for genetic and behavioral traits in many circumstances. The RS63376 receptor gene, for example, is involved in the reception of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the “social bonding” hormone. Its transmission through the brain strengthens (or weakens) emotional bonds in response to the environmental factors that caused its production. Having emotional responses requires neuron receptors, parts of the brain that receive transmitted chemicals. If your receptors don’t work, the brain doesn’t get the chemical, and healthy processes are interrupted. Take the example of marijuana smokers developing a tolerance to the drug–their brain’s receptors shut down and the “fix” stops being enough.
The RS63376 receptor gene has a series of alleles that determine how it behaves. These allele pairs are named AA, GG, and AG. The AA gene has spatial distribution problems, which makes it struggle to receive oxytocin. The GG gene receives oxytocin correctly, so GG people are empathetic. AG people aren’t as receptive as GG people, but they can still function normally in society, whereas AA people have personality disorders. Studies on the reception of people with these gene variants involve them being shown pictures and judging their responses based on the electrical response in their brains. People with the GG gene show great activity, but those with the AA gene have muted responses.
The racial distribution of this gene varies wildly. Europeans have the GG gene roughly 45% of the time and AA only 10%. This is one of the genetic sources of white pathological altruism. Asians, on the other hand, see the exact opposite. About 45% AA and only 10% GG. This difference is fundamental and genetic. It is not caused by the environment; it causes the environment. Social behaviors are determined by the types of expression of this gene. White Americans, for example, match the averages of whites in European countries. Asians in the US mirror Asian countries. Korea and Japan are at least 13% GG on average, whereas China is around 8% GG.
The implications of this are rather stunning. Imagine if half your population was sociopathic instead of half your population being highly empathetic people. European countries developed high-trust environments because trust and cooperation are necessary for survival. This is why multiculturalism doesn’t work and why immigration to white nations by nonwhites is unacceptable. People with the AA gene, by the way, have an extreme bias towards their own race. Asians literally have faulty neuronal empathy receptors. This drives the massive, irreconcilable differences in their cultures and societies from that of Europeans (and others). This is also a fundamental argument for why they should not be allowed to settle in white nations. Europeans, on the other hand, are so empathetic that it bleeds over into consideration of other races to our detriment.
I’d consooom it. Not only that but probably distribute it too. I love giving books as gifts especially redpill informative books. I hope he does release it but some books take over a decade to write. It’s quality over quantity that matters. I’ve heard of his book many times, this is the first I’ve read of what’s apparently in it and now I’m excited.
7 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
> This is why multiculturalism doesn’t work
There are a LOT of reasons. And it's not about multiple cultures, it's about race (or species). There are simply feral entities which are prone to murder, steal, rob, loot, rape, and in addition to that have a culture which promotes in-group preference which is oppositional to ours.
I'd argue Germans and Japanese could coexist much better than Germans and (sand)niggers for example.
> This is also a fundamental argument for why they should not be allowed to settle in white nations.
Yes. It is known that Orientals are more likely to be calculative and less sympathetic, and that would be the science that would explain that.
Very interesting info. I wonder what natural purpose high AA has for the body and the family unit as a whole. Even in nature pack species need to have some type of bond or shared goal to survive. Why would AA genes continue to thrive unless it was beneficial in some way?
The human genome has currently been mapped to just over 99% completion. We still don’t know the function of every gene, but our broad understanding points us to specific genes for genetic and behavioral traits in many circumstances. The RS63376 receptor gene, for example, is involved in the reception of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the “social bonding” hormone. Its transmission through the brain strengthens (or weakens) emotional bonds in response to the environmental factors that caused its production. Having emotional responses requires neuron receptors, parts of the brain that receive transmitted chemicals. If your receptors don’t work, the brain doesn’t get the chemical, and healthy processes are interrupted. Take the example of marijuana smokers developing a tolerance to the drug–their brain’s receptors shut down and the “fix” stops being enough.
The RS63376 receptor gene has a series of alleles that determine how it behaves. These allele pairs are named AA, GG, and AG. The AA gene has spatial distribution problems, which makes it struggle to receive oxytocin. The GG gene receives oxytocin correctly, so GG people are empathetic. AG people aren’t as receptive as GG people, but they can still function normally in society, whereas AA people have personality disorders. Studies on the reception of people with these gene variants involve them being shown pictures and judging their responses based on the electrical response in their brains. People with the GG gene show great activity, but those with the AA gene have muted responses.
The racial distribution of this gene varies wildly. Europeans have the GG gene roughly 45% of the time and AA only 10%. This is one of the genetic sources of white pathological altruism. Asians, on the other hand, see the exact opposite. About 45% AA and only 10% GG. This difference is fundamental and genetic. It is not caused by the environment; it causes the environment. Social behaviors are determined by the types of expression of this gene. White Americans, for example, match the averages of whites in European countries. Asians in the US mirror Asian countries. Korea and Japan are at least 13% GG on average, whereas China is around 8% GG.
The implications of this are rather stunning. Imagine if half your population was sociopathic instead of half your population being highly empathetic people. European countries developed high-trust environments because trust and cooperation are necessary for survival. This is why multiculturalism doesn’t work and why immigration to white nations by nonwhites is unacceptable. People with the AA gene, by the way, have an extreme bias towards their own race. Asians literally have faulty neuronal empathy receptors. This drives the massive, irreconcilable differences in their cultures and societies from that of Europeans (and others). This is also a fundamental argument for why they should not be allowed to settle in white nations. Europeans, on the other hand, are so empathetic that it bleeds over into consideration of other races to our detriment.
u/TallestSkil here is the answer to your publisher problem:
You're welcome.
u/TallestSkil I'll proofread it for you if I have to, since you're having trouble with that due to the memory issues.
There are a LOT of reasons. And it's not about multiple cultures, it's about race (or species). There are simply feral entities which are prone to murder, steal, rob, loot, rape, and in addition to that have a culture which promotes in-group preference which is oppositional to ours.
I'd argue Germans and Japanese could coexist much better than Germans and (sand)niggers for example.
> This is also a fundamental argument for why they should not be allowed to settle in white nations.
Yes. It is known that Orientals are more likely to be calculative and less sympathetic, and that would be the science that would explain that.