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BringTheCat789 on
8 days ago12 points(+0/-0/+12Score on mirror)1 child
I have no problem with shit food being marketed to niggers.
In general, I don't care if commercials have blacks in order to market their product *to* niggers. The problem is when commercials have blacks to market blacks *to* whites.
8 days ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
Its only the mix race couples that irritate me. If a corporation thinks featuring black people in their ad is most effective, that's their right. I wasn't buying their shit either way. Fact is commercials are way more effective on low iq so it probably is targeting a growth market for them.
They do have to keep in mind they are alienating their white market to verying degrees, so that's where they get into self-destruction, but not really my problem.
Mixed race couples, but also black couples and families that are just white families played by black actors. Very few black families act like that.
They aren't using a marketing technique where blacks see their product associated with the "good life," either, because black people don't want to subscribe to white culture (they just want to live nearby for the gibs). The purpose of this is to convince white people that black people are just like us.
In general, I don't care if commercials have blacks in order to market their product *to* niggers. The problem is when commercials have blacks to market blacks *to* whites.
They do have to keep in mind they are alienating their white market to verying degrees, so that's where they get into self-destruction, but not really my problem.
They aren't using a marketing technique where blacks see their product associated with the "good life," either, because black people don't want to subscribe to white culture (they just want to live nearby for the gibs). The purpose of this is to convince white people that black people are just like us.