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DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
> I hope you guys realize you're talking to a non-White half-jeet, kek.

Yes yes, Jannie, we all get it, i'm a dirty filthy Untermenschen Mudblood Halfbreed Mulatto Mixbreed Streetshitting Turbo-Turban Gigajeet Megacowdungsucking Sub-Negative100IQ Literal Golem Made From Clay Oy Vey It's Looking Like Anudda Shoah REEEE. I'm not non-white by the way, i'm olive or tan. Put me next to an Iranian or a Greek, you'll be hard-pressed to spot the difference.

People make mistakes and people change. And this people right here got no time for wankers u/#topkek
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
>Yes yes, Jannie, we all get it
Not a ConPro mod. We just don't like non-Whites and don't want them here.
>we all get it, i'm a dirty filthy Untermenschen Mudblood Halfbreed Mulatto Mixbreed Streetshitting Turbo-Turban Gigajeet Megacowdungsucking Sub-Negative100IQ Literal Golem Made From Clay
Thanks for admitting it.
>Oy Vey It's Looking Like Anudda Shoah REEEE
Well, you are a hin**jew**.
>I'm not non-white by the way
->Claims not to be non-White
->Is literally half-jeet
Lol. LMAO even.
Let me ask you something: Is a mulatto considered White? 🤔
>i'm olive or tan
So non-White.
>Put me next to an Iranian or a Greek, you'll be hard-pressed to spot the difference
Correct, all non-Whites. The Greeks and Iranians *used* to be White, but that's no longer the case today due to generations of racemixing.
The goal of the White race is *not* to darken our skin through racemixing, which feeds right into the jewish Kalergi Plan.
>People make mistakes and people change
That's fine in the case of Whites, yes. Not so with you. It's pilpul to claim you are White when you are not. Are JD Vance's kids "White"?
I am glad you are at least attempting to learn and have hopefully stopped insulting Hitler and the National Socialists, knowing full well ConPro's opinion on them. (I would argue that you knew their stance from the beginning, but chose to shit on them anyway...)
>And this people right here
>got not time for wankers
Which you are.
You're not White and you don't belong in Germany.
DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
> You're not White and you don't belong in Germany.

Yeah, yeah, whatever Jannie. Cry about it, why don'tcha.

I'm sorry, *who* is you? And why should i care?

That's right. A nobody. Keep kvetching u/#topkek

le epique bloque u/#trollge
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
>Yeah, year
As long as you admit it.
>whatever Jannie
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast?
>Cry about it, why don'tcha
You are literally crying about being called out on shapeshifting.
>I'm sorry, who is you
LOL. LMAO even.
>And why should i care?
Thanks for asserting something no one said or asked.
>That's right. A nobody
LOL. Thanks for admitting you're physically and mentally incapable of reading. Not surprising since you're a literal jeet.
>le epique bloque u/#trollge
Neat. Get out of Germany and go back to jeet land.
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