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DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)2 children
> I don't know what that has to do with religion.
The Ásatrú/nordic heathen influences and the occult influences (Wewelsburg, 12 pillars, 12 graves, black sun tiling among other things) are iffy to me, that's why i'm asking.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
I wouldn't say either documentary touches on that.
And the further you go into the NSDAP history, the more you'll find Odinism was only a small fragment of the movement, not really embraced by the party. There's a passage somewhere of Reinhard Heydrich mocking the followers of Guido von List as LARPers.
There were other forms of paganism like Gottglaubig, Mathilde Ludendorff's work, and some of Himmler's projects (*see the yule Julleuchter), but no matter what anyone will tell you, these were fringe within some of the SS officers.
that was mostly Himmler's thing, in fact Hitler ordered him to stop his bullshit for a while because it all paled in comparison to the greatness of Rome. And it was more from a historical perspective, that is to say getting in touch with their ancestors, than anything else. Hitler wasn't an odinist from what i know. The documentaries i mentioned apart from calling out judaism for its beliefs and talking about how many christians were murdered by said jews make no argument for paganism, at least europa doesn't
The Ásatrú/nordic heathen influences and the occult influences (Wewelsburg, 12 pillars, 12 graves, black sun tiling among other things) are iffy to me, that's why i'm asking.
And the further you go into the NSDAP history, the more you'll find Odinism was only a small fragment of the movement, not really embraced by the party. There's a passage somewhere of Reinhard Heydrich mocking the followers of Guido von List as LARPers.
There were other forms of paganism like Gottglaubig, Mathilde Ludendorff's work, and some of Himmler's projects (*see the yule Julleuchter), but no matter what anyone will tell you, these were fringe within some of the SS officers.