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posted 1 month ago by _Adolf_liebt_Eva_ on (+0 / -0 / +19Score on mirror )
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1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
He is not pleased. Non-whites should not be mixed into White nations. I do believe that Whites (Adamites from here on) were tasked with bringing God's order to the world.

The world outside the Garden of Eden was untamed/wild. If it were created with God's perfect order it would have been indistinguishable from the Garden of Eden. God knew that Adam and Eve would get pushed out of the Garden, and created them with the ability to bring God's order to the rest of the world as his ambassadors. While God could have created the whole world with his perfect order, I believe he simply wanted his image bearing ambassadors to participate in bringing his order to his creation. Note that not all people are descended from Adam as once kicked out of the garden there were already people living in the rest of the world, this is where Cain gets his wife and cities were built.

The descendants from Adam, White people, are still tasked with bringing God's order to the world. We see this idea after the fall in Eden, it gets reiterated after the flood and again at the tower of Babel. While niggers, gooks, kikes, spics, and street shitters need to stay and live among themselves, I believe that Adamites are to tame the world and bring God's order to everything in it including the non-Adamites. TLDR - They can't fuck with us but we can fuck with them. "because Stone Cold said so" - Austin 3:16.

Blacks lived better under Jim Crowe and apartheid. When the Adamites brought their empire(s) to Jamaica, the Americas, parts of Africa etc. those places were objectively better for it. The non-Adamites lived better after Adamite order was established.

At the end of the day, God is angry, Adamites are partly to blame for relaxing around kikes and the synagogue of Satan. We need to slay some dragons and get on about God's business.

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