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posted 1 month ago by _Adolf_liebt_Eva_ on (+0 / -0 / +19Score on mirror )
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polskagurom on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
absolutely agree, but dosen't like christianity is actually kind if (((colorblind))) on race? didn't like moses marry cushite woman and virgin Mary reveled herself as mestizo (lady of Guadalupe) to some meheecan shizo? if yes then then I don't know really what to say about it
devotech2 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
>colorblind on race

Anything but. There's a myriad of Bible verses condemning miscegenation.

>didn't moses marry a cushite woman

Zipporah wasn't a cushite. She was almost of the same blood as moses. She was a midianite jews. She was a jew. This confusion arises because of a specific Bible verse. The verse itself is confusing, to be honest, but the most convincing argument I've seen for it is that it was a sarcastic moniker given to zipporah because she had darker skin than average. Probably from working in the sun her whole life. There are other theories that moses married into cushite royalty and that moses had a second wife, but occams razor has me believing the first theory. I think that the bible would offer more commentary of something on the scale other than a one off comment. That one painting of a black zipporah is early age retardation, there's zero substantiation for it whatsoever. Honestly, of all media that exists, DreamWorks prince of Egypt probably has the best depiction of her. Really, not kidding on this one. Good movie.

>virgin Mary revealed herself as mestizo

It's literally impossible for her to have ever been anything other than a jewish woman because she was mortal. It's schizophrenia that's typical of the Mexican catholic church. Everything that came from a priest or nun from Mexico has to be taken with a grain of salt.

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