A good reminder that the Holocaust is a work of fiction.
Eisenhower and Patton are so universally loved when McArthur gets put to the side and it’s obvious why. Eisenhower and Patton were too nice to the communists. Despite Stalin being scared shitless of Eisenhower he took no action, and Patton moping and crying we “fought the wrong enemy but w-we can’t attack the Soviets though” McArthur was the only one who wanted the Judeo bolsheviks dead and to this day he’s demonized for it and seen as “the crazy general” despite doing more than Patton who was more than happy to let the Soviets rape the German people. However despite Mcarthur falling for the propaganda that Hitler was gonna ruin America and peace he did redeem himself in the Cold War where that coward Eisenhower refused to let him use the nukes which they were more than happy to use on the Germans but didn’t due to Berlin falling. And people can’t say they wouldn’t know the damage. Oppenheimer happily described it in great detail as well as the others and even Eisenhower himself knew. In battles in Korea the order of kill every single one that moves was greatly exercised and stopped after McArthur was fired. Fucking hate Patton and FDR and Eisenhower
Absolutely zero reference to gas chambers or systematic extermination of the kikes. Kinda odd, don't you think?
Anyway, I have them in searchable PDF form. I guess I should post them, because oddly you cannot find them on the Red Cross website.
E: Just to be clear, the reason I consider this "primary" is because the entire three-volume set was about the work camps. Nothing else.