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posted 1 month ago by MickHigan2 on (+0 / -0 / +62Score on mirror )
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MartinRigggs on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Yeah I remember, it’s part of making us think there’s a system left that’s still worth fighting for….since 2023 when Trump was allegedly facing a prison sentence, and all of his supporters were freaking out, I was saying it’s all a psyop to reinforce the idea that “the deep state” is truly against Trump, when the real plan was to put him back in the White House for yet another term, in preparation for a major cyber FF attack, and then WW3 against China/Iran/Russia. They NEED Trump in office for that because they know damn well people on the right (White men) wouldn’t fight a massive war like that for Kamala or what they perceive as corrupt democrats ruling the country, so they will give White people their hero back, they will pull back on some of the agendas, then they will hit us with a massive FF attack that’s going to kill way more Americans than 9/11/01. After that attack, probably in early February or late January, they will rally Whites to go off to die in WW3. This plan is the real White genocide, it will effect the White population throughout the western world and in Russia, it’s the main reason they shipped in so many browns throughout the West. Whites will be shipped off to die en masse in WW3, while illegals/legal brown immigrants manage to avoid the draft in their host nations. After the war, the only option White women will have left to breed with will be browns, Kalergi plan complete….which should make implementing the beast system that much easier.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Right on. I’m of the same mind. Babylon in Rev ch 18 is America. There’s only one country on earth where the whole world would look on its destruction and think “who am I going to sell my stuff to now?” (Rev 18:11).

Make sure when they try and take you or your sons you fight the synagogue of satan and not some innocent dude from Russia that was given no choice. It’s all a sham. I’d rather be dead than fight for this shithole and kill innocent people.
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