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MartinRigggs on
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)1 child
Yup, but is it happening naturally? I’d say no….Does it matter if the beast system is being engineered? To me it seems like (jews) the synagogue of satan is engineering what appears to be end days, like they took the idea for a beast system right out of the Bible and now they’re trying to build it. Either way, biblical prophecy is playing out right now, which should strengthen the faith of all Christians, and build our numbers because it wasn’t just a fairytale, and yet the masses ignore the weird biblical coincidences happening around them like those things are no big deal.
They can’t help but build it the way that God told us in the Bible. It’s Bible. I wouldn’t say we are in the book of revelation yet, but we are close. First thing that has to happen is we see the antichrist take the world to war, which of course has not happened.
A great resource on what’s to come is a documentary called After the Tribulation by Steven Anderson (same preacher that gave us Marching to Zion). It might even be more important than MtZ as it lays out in layman’s terms what to look out for. Can also google Steven Andersons end times chart and take a look at it if you don’t want to spend the 90 or so minutes.
Major takeaways from it - there is no pre trib rapture. We will be here for 3 1/2 year during the trib. Prepping is important.
A great resource on what’s to come is a documentary called After the Tribulation by Steven Anderson (same preacher that gave us Marching to Zion). It might even be more important than MtZ as it lays out in layman’s terms what to look out for. Can also google Steven Andersons end times chart and take a look at it if you don’t want to spend the 90 or so minutes.
Major takeaways from it - there is no pre trib rapture. We will be here for 3 1/2 year during the trib. Prepping is important.