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posted 1 month ago by MickHigan2 on (+0 / -0 / +62Score on mirror )
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Quantumtard on
1 month ago 13 points (+0 / -0 / +13Score on mirror ) 5 children
Brother Nathaniel is skeptical because Zionism will and must fall. For Zionist Christians to believe that their version of Jesus (fake one, Antichrist) is back they need to see Romans 11 (the perverted way of reading it anyways) come to fruition. Which basically means we will see the Antichrist destroy Zionism and make the Jews know that god loves the gentiles. Of course, this will be a ruse. The Jews have two messiahs. The first is for the gentiles and will be the first beast of revelation and the antichrist, and the second beast is their real messiah.

Brother Nathaniel feels like Ian is just paving the way for the anti christ to show up. I feel the same way. Zionism is evil, but remember…. The antichrist is going to be so smooth he would deceive the very elect, IF IT WERE POSSIBLE. Anyone who doesn’t have Christ has a very real chance at being fooled by this guy. The scary real new world order is what happens after the anti christ brings the Jews to heel. He will basically say the Jews are gods chosen, but the gentiles all knew me too.. it will then be a one world religion with a one world gov, currency, etc….

You should be skeptical.

For more info on Roman’s 11 check out Steven Anderson sermon on it on bitchute. It’s actually correct and is a very informative sermon.
MartinRigggs on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Did you see Trump recently reposted a vid of Jefferey Sachs calling Netanyahu “a dark son of a bitch”? The vid he reposted to truth social goes on to say how Israel was behind the Iraq war because of their incredible influence over the U.S. government. After Trump posted the vid, Netanyahu either didn’t receive an invite to Trump’s inauguration or refuses to go, one or the other…..but all that stuff I just heard about today really made me think about your comment, they’re setting up “the fall of Zionism”, but it’s not really real, just a means to usher in the antichrist, and then their moshiac .
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Yup, I think the same. Remember that post from 4 Chan… they will ease up on certain issues to make us feel like we are winning and then war with Iran. If we go to war with Iran it will very likely be a world war. Iran china and Russia are all together in BRICS. They would never allow Iran to fall. That would be world war 3…. The antichrist comes on the scene and the first thing he does is what … takes the world to war. Scary times in my opinion.

Godspeed brother.
MartinRigggs on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Yeah I remember, it’s part of making us think there’s a system left that’s still worth fighting for….since 2023 when Trump was allegedly facing a prison sentence, and all of his supporters were freaking out, I was saying it’s all a psyop to reinforce the idea that “the deep state” is truly against Trump, when the real plan was to put him back in the White House for yet another term, in preparation for a major cyber FF attack, and then WW3 against China/Iran/Russia. They NEED Trump in office for that because they know damn well people on the right (White men) wouldn’t fight a massive war like that for Kamala or what they perceive as corrupt democrats ruling the country, so they will give White people their hero back, they will pull back on some of the agendas, then they will hit us with a massive FF attack that’s going to kill way more Americans than 9/11/01. After that attack, probably in early February or late January, they will rally Whites to go off to die in WW3. This plan is the real White genocide, it will effect the White population throughout the western world and in Russia, it’s the main reason they shipped in so many browns throughout the West. Whites will be shipped off to die en masse in WW3, while illegals/legal brown immigrants manage to avoid the draft in their host nations. After the war, the only option White women will have left to breed with will be browns, Kalergi plan complete….which should make implementing the beast system that much easier.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Right on. I’m of the same mind. Babylon in Rev ch 18 is America. There’s only one country on earth where the whole world would look on its destruction and think “who am I going to sell my stuff to now?” (Rev 18:11).

Make sure when they try and take you or your sons you fight the synagogue of satan and not some innocent dude from Russia that was given no choice. It’s all a sham. I’d rather be dead than fight for this shithole and kill innocent people.
VaiTomaNoCu on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
> I feel the same way. Zionism is evil, but remember…. The antichrist is going to be so smooth he would deceive the very elect,

You live in a world where you have been explicitly told Satan has power. You think the antichrist is part of some sort of rule based game between Satan and God? That there's a significant calendar date that's part of it?

> The scary real new world order is what happens after the anti christ brings the Jews to heel.

Satan is around you constantly. You are being fooled by him into believing this claptrap. Wake up. Your life is not a game.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
My belief is in Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. He gave us the book of Revelation to be just that… a revelation. Yes, these things will happen. The grounds have already been set for it.

How can you look at the WEF in Davos and see them put chips IN their hand (just like the Bible said, forever ago I might add) that will eventually be used for a payment system as well as your ID, etc. and not believe it? Read Revelation 13:16 (KJV only) and then look at those videos. Check out chip girl on TikTok. Heck, just look at where the world is going… there are so many earthly things that prove his existence even outside just reading and believing the gospel.

To look at the state of the world now and not see the groundwork for Biblical prophecy to start to come true is a truly foolish thing to think. To think there is no God is a Jewish thing to think.
MartinRigggs on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Yup, but is it happening naturally? I’d say no….Does it matter if the beast system is being engineered? To me it seems like (jews) the synagogue of satan is engineering what appears to be end days, like they took the idea for a beast system right out of the Bible and now they’re trying to build it. Either way, biblical prophecy is playing out right now, which should strengthen the faith of all Christians, and build our numbers because it wasn’t just a fairytale, and yet the masses ignore the weird biblical coincidences happening around them like those things are no big deal.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
They can’t help but build it the way that God told us in the Bible. It’s Bible. I wouldn’t say we are in the book of revelation yet, but we are close. First thing that has to happen is we see the antichrist take the world to war, which of course has not happened.

A great resource on what’s to come is a documentary called After the Tribulation by Steven Anderson (same preacher that gave us Marching to Zion). It might even be more important than MtZ as it lays out in layman’s terms what to look out for. Can also google Steven Andersons end times chart and take a look at it if you don’t want to spend the 90 or so minutes.

Major takeaways from it - there is no pre trib rapture. We will be here for 3 1/2 year during the trib. Prepping is important.
TakenusernameA on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Technically, the anti-christ will rise to power as a jewish "messiah", but then abolish the entire 1500 year charade of judaism and reveal it was outright satanism all along.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
I disagree. The antichrist would never come out and say he’s luciferian because no one would follow that. The antichrist will be so smooth that he would would deceive the very elect, if it were possible. He will be a new ager. Claim that he is Jesus, the Imam Mahdi, the jewish mashiach, the 5th Buddha, etc. he will unite the world in one religion. He will claim to be God.
TakenusernameA on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
>The antichrist would never come out and say he’s luciferian because no one would follow that

Maybe not outright, but the (((system))) already in place is Luciferian, and the Antichrist will be more of the same. He might not call himself a Satanist (because then he would have to admit there's a God too), but the system he will implement will be outright Satanic.
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Rebooted on
1 month ago -6 points (+0 / -1 / -5Score on mirror ) 3 children
Your fairy stories are killing our people. Wake up, white man.
1 month ago 17 points (+0 / -0 / +17Score on mirror )
Christian is the white man's religion, don't be a filthy shit skin.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 14 points (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror ) 2 children
And what do you believe? In the Big Bang? You realize that’s just a Jewish story of the divine spark, right? Jesus is the way the truth and the life. There is no other besides Him.
GoldenInnosStatue on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
We believe in the White man's greatness, how he was destined to be the light to the world

and how the jew, who is the inverse of everything White and his shitskin co-conspirators are planning to plunge the world into [eternal darkness](

while this sounds like some vidya-game plot, its literally what the kikes have been doing for the past 8 decades
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
Why do you think the Jews hate whites? Is it because you’re simply a different color? Smarter? Kicked them out of countries?

No, it’s because historically we had Jesus. We are heirs according to the promise now (Galatians 3), and it drives the Jews insane with hatred and jealousy.

Christians of all races are persecuted by the Jews. Why do you think Hiroshima and Nagasaki were targeted during WW2 when they had very little strategic importance? They were the largest concentration of Japanese Christians in that nation. The Jew hates ALL Christians.

You know some truth but are refusing to see the truth. Jesus is very real. His message and promises too. Hope you come around to see it someday.

GoldenInnosStatue on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
kikes were subverting nations long before jesus was born, they were subverting Egypt, Babylon even Assyria

i don't think religion was the prime motivator, i think they are genetically just different from regular humans

something about their people just hates humanity and their entire religion is about hold unto subhuman, barbaric "traditions" that would make jungle gooks look civilized in comparison

hell even during the greek period after alexander's conquest the kikes firmly rejected civilization, their entire "Maccabi" wars is not about land or taxes but about culture, they rejecting Hellenization (Civilization) and killing anyone who was trying to make these uncivilized sand-niggers (its what they were, and what they still are) into functioning members of society

they even went as far as to killing their own Hellenized jews because they "betrayed their *God*, thus they betrayed their **race**"

as a bible thumper you can read the story of exodus and see for yourself how the jews worm their way into society and firmly gain the king's favor and then they make things a lot more "jewisher" which unironically is how everyone starts "persecuting them for no reason!"

Jesus literally has nothing to do with how the jews behave, that is derived from their genes, and their genes are basically the worst genes in the middle east combining pedophilia, slavery, cannibalism and insatiable hatred for all civilization (think sand niggers but with high verbal IQ)
TakenusernameA on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
They do seem to hate whites especially though, which makes me wonder if we might be related to the original Hebrews theyve been skin-suiting for 1500 years.
bobbacringo on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
The big bang is the story of "let there be light" without giving credit to God.
Quantumtard on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )

I can see what you’re saying but I wouldn’t agree. It’s the link above. Jews don’t believe in Gods creation at all. They interpret the Torah at best.
ReChristianize on
1 month ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
Christianity is the faith of the European people. Europe was raised up to great heights by making Christ king -- it was when Europeans (including Americans) became prideful and arrogant at our scientific advances and de-Christianized, gave up the most important truth, that we became vulnerable and started dissolving as people. Before Christianity, we were no better than barbarians and our empires were like those of the asians, savagely cruel and sexually depraved.

It was Christians who held the line against jewry. Secular materialists and moneyworshippers on the other hand welcomed the jews and allowed them to gain wealth and influence, in return for temporary gain.
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