"Oy vey, goyim... I don't trust that fellow White."
Ian is new to this topic, he didn’t start out exploring the JQ like most people don’t. He was looking into corruption in general and go figure, it led him to ZOG, and eventually ZOG will lead him to the JQ. Until I see a reason to believe he’s controlled opposition, I won’t treat him as such, and as of right now, there’s only one reason to believe that. In Ian’s recent video to Elon, Ian was making it a point to say “it’s NOT all jews”. Which is totally wrong since jews have been a problem for western society going back at least a thousand years, long before the state of Israel existed. But I can’t judge Ian for holding that view right now, Ian is at an earlier stage of understanding than we are, and nobody wants to believe “all” of any group is bad after being told for a lifetime that we are all the same….at some point Ian will have to reconcile with reality, a long history of the same patterns will force him to accept that genetics are the core of problem, that jews are bad for society wherever they go. Gotta give him time to come to that conclusion.
'Bro u shouldn't care Don suck the most jewdick, he's gonna save america'