1 month ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)1 child
Every time I go to aldi I see the same older gentleman from a church I used to attend. He was loaded with cash. He worked for some sort of investment firm on Wall Street or something. He obviously wouldn’t flaunt it and was very humble.
1 month ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)2 children
There's an old book from 1996 called The Millionaire Next Door.
Basically a university professor decided to do an academic researtch study on what millionaires are like.
He was expecting the typical caviar eating Rolls Royce driving Armani suit wearing stereotype.
Instead, what he got were people that just looked like everyone else, lived in middle class neighbourhoods, drank Budweiser and then maybe a few tells (like a slightly nicer but older and fully paid for in cash car).
In the book it also said millionaires love to shop at Costco, so a place like Lidl is exactly the kind of place that millionaire would shop at.
By the way, according to the inflation calculator on the Federal Reserve website $1 million in 1996 is now just over $2 million in today's dollars. So when they're talking "millionaire", what they mean is someone worth about $2 million today.
1 month ago12 points(+0/-0/+12Score on mirror)3 children
Generally speaking, the more money you have, the more discrete you try to be. Because as soon as the shitskins learns that you're a millionaire all the scammers and beggars flock around you trying to steal what's yours.
The negro showing off with two dozen $1 bills on social media isn't rich, he's just stupid. Often some other negro will steal those money shortly after they brag about it.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
> university professor
Uni professor is a broke boy that thinks $1 million is a lot and makes you “rich”. Being a millionaire isn’t really “rich”. In reality anyone with a decent income and penny pinching can reach it.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
It’s just a poor cope on their parts.
To be fair my definition of rich and my goal in life is owning an estate, custom made mansion, acres of land, and enough money to not have to work ever again.
Just the land that I want, where I live, would cost around $750k now…. And that isn’t even prime … it’s just “good enough”.
Everything is ruined in this economy thanks to kikes and their dumbass enablers. And I’m not going to just drop all my money into a personal residence when I can put it into income producing commercial real estate instead.
At this rate, if nothing changes… I might just leave the country and retire elsewhere. I’m tired of working.
1 month ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
It has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with it being the closest grocery store to those people or it selling some specific product or products they like. There's shit at the lidl here I can't buy in other stores - specific brands or specific foods.
1 month ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)2 children
It’s crazy how many people are fine with never owning anything at all today. This includes almost all niggers, but there’s a shit ton of whites too. The strangest one to me has always been financing a phone. A FUCKING PHONE?!? I mean really! I get that there little super computers in your pocket now that can do all kinds of shit, but it’s still something, even brand new, under $1500. I mean yeah, finance it if you really need a new one, and can get 0% interest while your money makes a little something somewhere else, but we know that’s not what’s going on in most peoples worlds. It works out well for me that most idiots are retarded with money since I just buy everything “used” but still pretty much new and in great shape. I’ve never bought a brand new vehicle, and never will. I’ll just wait until somebody gets bored after 6 months to a year, and by their “trash” that likely still even has a warranty with low mileage for 10-15 grand less compared to driving it off the lot myself. With that said, I’m all stacked up on good reliable vehicles that aren’t rolling computers, so I’ll likely never buy another one. Feels good man.
The problem with used cars is that 99% of people don't know how to maintain them so anything you get is going to have premature wear. Of course on the other hand (((modern cars))) are so bad that older used cars are still gonna last longer. It would've been cool to get a brand new car in like the 90s and knowing exactly what's done with it because it's always been 100% yours.
(((Leasing cars))) maybe, not that much difference in monthly cost between a fully spec "premium" car compared to the base model of the luxury cars. It's all EVs or wet belt hybrids with (((planned obsolesce))) now anyway. All driven by stupid people cosplaying as rich.
1 month ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
Drive to your local government office administration building where the HR office, IT office, budget and finance offices, council clerks office, procurement office, etc. are. You will see all your poor "Public Servants" are driving new automobiles, take long vacations, get every paid holiday, get a huge state funded pension, etc.
But then they want to complain if you charge $40 per hour to fix their HVAC unit or work on their cars.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
No one complains about $40 an hour trademen, but the $140 an hour ones. The ones who make 4 trips for "parts" at the plumbing store, taking little old ladies to the cleaner.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
No one ever pays attention to the ridiculously high salaries and the extremely high cost of benefits and pensions for all their local government employees who do diddle daddle jack shit all day when they aren't taking one of the 50 annual paid federal holidays off.
Next time your HVAC tech is out there, make sure to pay them extra to fund their pension, their blue cross blue shield cadillac insurance plan, their vision and dental premium plans, their paid holidays and paid vacation and paid sick leave and paid maternity leave and paid conferences and the overhead costs for HR and other administrative nonsense. You do it for your lazy dyke government workers without complaining. But blue collar White man who does actual real work you want to pay like a spic.
You wouldn't even get in the truck for less than $150. No lazy overpaid government bureaucrat goes and does a real job for less than $150. Not sure why you expect a skilled hard working experienced White man should make less than that.
BTW, I don't want to dox myself. But I live in maybe the top cheapest area in the USA to live. Top 1-5% cheapest. Maybe .01%... ANYWAY. The tradesmen here are charging $175 an hour. Why do I know? Because there's something I have to fix that the FUCKING GOVERNMENT says I can't fix without a license. Again I don't want to dox myself. I would otherwise fix it myself as I learnt over the past 20 years not to hire people for things I can do myself.
its probably Achmeds with govt gibs meanwhile Johnny Walksalot has to take the nigger-bus because he can't fucking pay his rent with his meager nigger-tier salary (which is obviously going to be replaced by pejit golems because they get paid half the price while filling a diversity quota so mista shlomostein is happy)
Maybe it's different country by country? To be honest the worst ones here are Netto and Aldi - the products are so cheap at those here that I can't find anything i'd be willing to eat in them. Lidl has plenty of stuff - the bakery makes good buns and bread, the produce is usually nice, and the meat seems ok. I never really noticed or looked at brands there to be honest - an egg is an egg, a tomato is a tomato, meat is meat. Maybe i might want some specific ketchup at most...